May I say that people at Illamasqua are crazy!!! Of course I mean this in the best possible way. Creative masterminds! Just looks at their promo photos and you’ll know what I mean. One collection (as a whole) is better than the other. And promo photos are getting better and better. I love their concept! They think of every single detail and because of that I’m in love with Illamasqua. I really enjoy looking at their promo photos. I think I was staring at the promo photos of the Toxic Nature collection for at least half an hour. I just couldn’t stop staring. Illamasqua team, thank you!!!
Gejba already showed you wonderful swatches of the Toxic Nature collection and shared her thoughts on the products. After she swatched the products I got them and played with them. Do you want to see, what I created?
My inspirational photo was this one.
Next photo is the before “genetic modification” photo. I guess that’s right before nature became toxic.
And that’s how nature fought back.
I left the photos big, so you can see all the details and hopefully enjoy them. I hope you liked my transformation.
Products used:
- MUD foundation
- Illamasqua – Delirium and Mould cream pigments for contouring
- Inglot – various blushes for contouring
- Inglot white eyeshadow for highlighting
- Illamasqua – Delirium cream pigment
- Essence – eyebrows kit
- Illamasqua – Delirium, Mould and Dab cream pigments for base
- Inglot’s various eyeshadows and blushes
- Illamasqua – Thalia powdered metal
- Make Up Factory – Automatic Eyeliner 45 (fantastic chalk white pencil!)
- Essence – fake eyelashes from the Black and White TE
- Illamasqua – medium pencil in Severe
- OCC’s various Lip Tars
- Illamasqua – sheer lip gloss in Torture
- Illamasqua – Bacterium (2 coats)
- Essie – Matte About You
Dots on the little spiders:
- Illamasqua – Purity nail polish
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Very, very, VERY well done :>
Dobr da sedim ker te slikce in ta talent…
Res je več kot samo super, je amazing
Hvala! :rose:
:stars: :drop: :love: :happy:
stvarno toksicno izgleda :thumb:
Noro. Nimam besed. Ustnice so popolne barve! Sicer se strašno bojim pajkov, ampak tvoj make up odtehta male beštije. :wink: Res delaš fantasične stvarive na svojem obrazu. :drop:
Naj ti zaupam, da se tudi sama strašno bojim pajkov. Ampak samo ta pravih. Te plastične zadeve so mi pa smešne. :biggrin:
Zanimivo, da sem dobila kar nekaj komentarjev (od prijateljic in na ARSu) na ustnice. :happy:
OMG. Absolutely amazing! And under all that dramatic and crazy makeup, you still look gorgeous!
I was worried that I looked too scary. Thank you! :cute:
ZOMG!!!!! I have to say I love yours more than Illamasqua’s!!!! Just astounding!!!! O___O
OMG, really?!? :drop: Thank you very much! :rose:
I love your nail polish! And this is a very interesting look ^^
Tvoja transformacija je res Super! Če bi pa videla žensko s slike, ki si jo vzela za inspiracijo, kje na ulici zvečer bi jo pa ucvrla kot bi me nesle noge…
(BTW ali si kaj upgrade-ala foto objektiv oz si se poigrala s photoshopom?)
Hvala! :rose:
Zaenkrat še nobenega upgradea objektiva. Vse fotke iz tega prispevka so narejene s “trotlčkom”. Obdelava fotk pa tudi naredi svoje. ;)
Wow good job! This recreation is gorgeous, you have gift :)
Od kdaj pa se Maestra druži s pajki?
Vse ostalo je pa maestralno! :thumb:
S plastičnimi ni težav. :biggrin: Z živimi pa NIKOLI! :scared:
Hvala za komentar! :rose:
Gorgeousness!! :w00t:
Love it. :wub:
OMG I love it, so creative! Though it’s not a direct copy of the toxic nature image but your look is so good that I can imagine it being in one of the illamasqua promo ads. Great job!
Thank you! :rose: I’m glad you liked it! I’m flattered. :blush: I know it isn’t nearly as good as Illamasqua’s stunning promo ads. A girl can dream that one day …. :angel:
ajme, ovi pauci su me naježili :drop:
fora :stars:
Wow, great job of reworking the concept! I really like it.
Lak za nokte mi je super i na slici i na tebi :D
Trepavice su m i mrak imam iste takve :yes:
Super, super, super i još 1000 x super!
Odlično ti je isplao!
uaaau! super makeup Maestra!!!! :stars:
Enostavno popolno. :stars:
Sem se pa narežala 2 zadevam – pajkom na Maestri (to si ne bi nikoli mislila, pa četudi so umetni :haha: ) ter dobri uporabi totalno neuporabnih Essence trepalnic. :biggrin:
Jaz pa ne morem nič reči. Ostajam brez besed!
Noro in te kr vidim, kako si uživala med ustvarjanjem. ČUDOVITO, FANTASTIČNO!
Resi imaš talent :rose: :rose: :rose:
Maestra, ti imaš zares izjemen talent :stars: NORO!
Fantastičnooo :wub: :w00t: :yes:
Vse kar lahko rečem je WAW :stars:
Hvala! :rose: Joj, kako sem uživala v packanju … :cute: