Poli and the Desigual bag

Here’s Poli …

Cat Poli

… and here’s my beautiful Desigual bag. I think my cat loves the bag too. :D

Poli loves the Desigual bag
Poli loves the Desigual bag

If you’re interested, what happened to Poli, here’s a short story. Apparently he was bitten by another cat. The wound, which was only one tiny hole, got infected and we had to take him to the vet, who cut the wound open (what you see in the photo). Now the wound is opened and I have to clean it every day until its healed. Poli already feels much better. I hope the wound will heal quickly, so he can go outside.

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

17 thoughts on “Poli and the Desigual bag”

  1. Aww poor poli! :unsure: Both me and my cat Sassy send our love and hugs to you both!



  2. Bogi Muc (je pa hecen s to svetilko na glavi), upam da se čimprej pozdravi. Desigual oblačila mi niso preveč všeč, ta tvoja torbica pa zelo (nisem pa v trgovinah še nikoli zasledila Desigual torbic – vsaj pri nas ne :undecided: ).

    • Poli se že veliko bolje počuti in že veselo nori po stanovanju. :biggrin:
      Desigual torbice se dobijo tudi pri nas. Pravzaprav sem jaz svojo kupila v centru LJ v Emporiumu. ;)


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