What a beautiful day…Inglot Zagreb

By Mamy

Buying cosmetics is one of the loveliest events in life of every woman, right?

Most of the Parokeets ladies visited Zagreb – well their Cosmetics Fair yesterday. We’ll tell you more about Fair some other time. Today I just had to share my happiness with you about another visit to Inglot store.

Inglot Zagreb: Freedom System

We visited Inglot store couple a weeks ago for the first time. I was so enthusiastic about another visit, that last two weeks lasted a lot longer than that in my mind. :D

I was in a hurry to write this post and show you all these jewels …


… open all the boxes … try them out …


Once again we were impressed with the staff. Girls really know what are they doing.

I gave the make-up artist completely free hands at choosing the colors for my palettes. This is the result.

InglotFrom left to right … from up down …  





And there was another thing that made my day yesterday … meeting two Croatian bloggers: Vesna from Beauty addict and Maybe from Maybe’s New start. Thank you for lovely time ladies.

And finally – thank you my dear Parokeets ladies.

How good it is to be a woman …. my husband would add: “and expensive too …”

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

27 thoughts on “What a beautiful day…Inglot Zagreb”

    • A veš, da sem si jaz zamislila malo drugačne barve. Danes sem zelo hvaležna krasni punci v trgovini, da sem ji pustila proste roke. :yes:

    • Maestra, saj veš, kako smo vzdihovale nad tvojimi “vodenimi barvicami”. :angel:
      Vesna in Maybe sta jim v soboto tako prisrčno rekli vodene bojice. Res je/istina je. :love:

    • Tassa, kar naprej in naprej jih zlagam, nanašam, kombiniram… :stars:
      In BTW: jaz se ne morem nagledati tvojih umetnij s konadom. :drop:

  1. Divno! :love:
    Nadam se da će biti i neki review njihovih proizvoda. U Beogradu takođe ima njihova radnja, slučajno sam nabasala na nju i uspela sam da se suzdržim i ništa ne kupim. Sada sam jako radoznala da saznam kako ste zadovoljne sa njihovim proizvodima :undecided:

    • karamela, verjela ali ne, danes sem bila čisto slučajno na hitro spet v ZG in seveda spet v Inglotu… :drop:
      Držim pesti, da vse lepote vidiš v živo. Poročaj. :wink:


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