Review and swatches: p2 Make Up Parade (nail polishes)

One of the polishes friend brought me from Germany, were all shades from p2 Make Up Parade LE.

Make Up Parade LE consists of 3 creme shades:

  • Showy Red: pretty medium red color;
  • Jazzy Purple: quite neutral purple shade, but unfortunately formula is watery;
  • Flashy Blue: black-blue shade that applies beautifully.
p2 Make Up Parade: Showy Red, Jazzy Purple, Flashy Blue swatch
p2 Make Up Parade: Showy Red, Jazzy Purple, Flashy Blue

I can’t say that this is very attractive collection, but red and violet are almost neutral and dark one is blue and not black, so it is suitable for wider range of consumers.

p2 Flashy Blue shade stood out when I was picking base for p2 Silver Blast crackling polish.  I was pleasantly surprised  when I saw that this crack polish is very shimmery.

p2: Flashy Blue (Make Up Parade) + Silver Blast swatch
p2: Flashy Blue (Make Up Parade) + Silver Blast

What do you say – is Silver Blast must have?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

14 thoughts on “Review and swatches: p2 Make Up Parade (nail polishes)”

  1. wow i love the silver crackle and polish jazzy purple..ive never heard of this brand ill have to look them up

    Cheers for the post =)) xxxx :wub:

  2. Jaaa, je a must, ker sem ga po naključju dobila iz Nemčije. :yes: Hehe! Meni je zelo všeč, mi je prihranil nakup Silver Shatterja od OPIja. Osnovne tri barve mi pa niso preveč všeč. Oz. so fajn, ampak že tolikokrat videne, da bi šla mimo njih ne da bi jih dvakrat pogledala.

    • Jaz sem pa ugotovila, da mi primanjkuje osnovnih barv, ker neprestano želim nekaj posebnega. Potem pa želim nevtralno bazo za nail art/stamping …

      • Veš, sem se jaz tudi že nekajkrat zalotila ob isti misli ko sem iskala kaj enostavnega za na nohte. Ko kupujem, se mi zdijo preenostavne in pozabim, da mi včasih čisto ustreza imeti neko osnovno barvo na nohtih …

  3. there was also a fun glittery topcoat in that collection…I must find time to swatch it one of these days ^_^ oh and P2 has also released a gold crackle…can’t wait to see that one!


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