Busy month ahead

Just a quick info for all of our readers.

Most of the Parokeets ladies are either going or are already gone on vacation/trips … All in all I’m home alone.

Ladies managed to prepare few posts that I’ll be publishing during next few weeks. As they do not have time or Internet access (for the most part anyway) they won’t be able to answer your emails/comments …

And on top of everything, I’m so busy that I usually write my posts at 1am and similar crazy hours as I do not have time to write anything during the day, so please overlook all the errors, babbling …

If you have any wishes, please let me know in the comments.

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

11 thoughts on “Busy month ahead”

  1. Sem ravno prebrala v enem od prejšnjih postov pozdravček Maestre iz NYC, kako se že veselim fotk haula iz tam. :yes: :wub: Sicer pa srečno z vsem kar imate in kar brez skrbi z blogom!

  2. It’s OK if you can’t publish as often, don’t be so hard on yourself! Life happens….
    Maybe you could share some pictures of your stash if you don’t have much time for writing posts or sharing new manis?
    Good luck!

    • I was planing to take :pic: of my (still unfinished) nail polish stand. We’ll see how that goes (it’s narrow and in place without much light).


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