Catrice Ultimate Shine lipstick: Corallicious Pink and Berry Pink

We only bought two lipsticks from Catrice Ultimate Shine line – Corallicious Pink and Berry Pink.

Catrice Ultimate Shine lipstick: Corallicious Pink and Berry Pink swatch
Catrice Ultimate Shine lipstick: Corallicious Pink and Berry Pink

I got Corallicious Pink. I’ve been using this shade quite a lot lately since I love this coral pink color with very fine shimmer. It actually stays longer on my lips than those from Ultimate Colour line. It is still a little bit to vaseline like feel to crown this lipstick as must have formula-vise, but it is still lovely product.

Catrice Ultimate Shine lipstick: Corallicious Pink swatch
Catrice Ultimate Shine lipstick: Corallicious Pink

Goga tried out Berry Pink shade.

Berry Pink is pinkish-red colour from Shine series. It doesn’t have shimmer but it’s more glossy than other ones. It glides very easely on the lips and gives that glossy look like you applied a clear gloss over lipstick.

Catrice Ultimate Shine lipstick: Berry Pink (150) swatch
Catrice Ultimate Shine lipstick: Berry Pink (150)

Price for 3,5g (0,12oz) of product is 3,99 EUR. It is good for 18 months after opening date before it spoils … if you keep it away from sun and heat that is.

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

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10 thoughts on “Catrice Ultimate Shine lipstick: Corallicious Pink and Berry Pink”

  1. Oh, prva je super! Sicer mi deluje bolj nude, morda malce na rjavo … taka, subtilna, ne vidim koralnega tona. Ampak mi je zelo všeč! Morda jo naročim kolegici. :yes:

    • Itak sem pozabila povedat, da swatch ni zelo realen – izgleda kot zelooo na tanko nanesena šminka. Jope – še veliko se moram naučiti preden bodo swatchi šmink izgledali realno. :hmm:

  2. Hmm, prva mi ne izgleda koralno pink, ampak bolj rjavkasto oranžna. Morda je spet kriv moj monitor. :ermm: Barvno mi je bolj všeč Berry Pink, kupila pa verjetno ne bi/bom nobene, ker mi delujejo preveč glossy/vazelinasto in neobstojno. 4€ je le 4€, kar niti ni tako malo.

    • Ni monitor ampak še vedno nisem rešila problema presevanja podlage. Nekako mi s temi prosojnimi šminkami ne uspe nanesti zadosti produkta, da bi se realno pokazal na fotki. Že treniram debelejši nanos. :blush:

  3. hmm look sto creamy for my taste… you didn’t mention the durability but based on the texture of the picture since its too shiny for a lippie I would say that it doesn’t last too long.
    but again I am just guessing based on the picture

    • Durability is very individual thing – but on me they lasted as average vaselin based lipsticks do … not very long. Half an hour maybe?

  4. Corallicious Pink bi bila za kakšen poslovni sestanek ampak Berry Pink pa seka :), edino imam na sumu da bi se znala prelivati čez robove ustnic (klovn efekt)?


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