Daytona International Speedway and Beach and a trip to Kennedy Space Center

I was very excited to go to the Kennedy Space Center to see in person all the huge things I only get to see on television.

Maestra in Kennedy Space Centre - NASA - USA 2011
Maestra at Kennedy Space Centre – NASA – USA 2011
Maestra in Kennedy Space Centre - NASA - USA 2011
Maestra at Kennedy Space Centre – NASA – USA 2011

OMG, I was lucky enough to be relatively close to the space shuttle Endeavour.

Maestra and the Endeavour space shuttle
Maestra and the Endeavour space shuttle

Some spooky looking birdies you have there … (photos taken through the window)

American Black Vulture
American Black Vulture
American Black Vulture
American Black Vulture

Another exciting thing to see was the Daytona International Speedway. Nascar isn’t really very popular here in Slovenia, but I still have heard of it and was excited to see the track in person. It was a beautiful day and we had a lot of fun!

Maestra at the Daytona International Speedway - Nascar USA 2011
Maestra at the Daytona International Speedway – Nascar USA 2011
Maestra at the Daytona International Speedway - Nascar USA 2011
Maestra at the Daytona International Speedway – Nascar USA 2011
Maestra at the Daytona International Speedway - Nascar USA 2011
Maestra at the Daytona International Speedway – Nascar USA 2011
Maestra at the Daytona International Speedway - Nascar USA 2011
Maestra at the Daytona International Speedway – Nascar USA 2011
Maestra at the Daytona International Speedway - Nascar USA 2011
Maestra at the Daytona International Speedway – Nascar USA 2011
Maestra at the Daytona International Speedway - Nascar USA 2011
Maestra at the Daytona International Speedway – Nascar USA 2011
Maestra at the Daytona International Speedway - Nascar USA 2011
Maestra at the Daytona International Speedway – Nascar USA 2011

Last but not least … quite empty Daytona Beach. (I edited the photo, which was taken by my friend K.C.)

Daytona Beach - USA 2011
Daytona Beach – USA 2011

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

6 thoughts on “Daytona International Speedway and Beach and a trip to Kennedy Space Center”

  1. What a lovely trip you are having! I think we take it for granted here in the US….we took my Roo boy there a couple of years ago and he loved it! Have a wonderful time!

    ~Tiffani :w00t:


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