Inspirational look: Maestra, The Pirate Of The Caribbean

I’m a huge fan of Pirates Of The Caribbean movies and of course a huge fan of Johnny Depp. I can’t wait to see the last movie. Have you seen it yet? Did you like it?

Although I didn’t plan on doing this look, I just felt the urge to do it anyway after seeing this video tutorial (a beautiful mermaid look) and after OPI’s (if you ask me) strange Pirates Of The Caribbean collection. I mean … I get it … The turquoise of the Caribbean sea and the mermaids in the movie and all. But not a single piratey shade in the whole collection? Just pinks and pastels? What the heck is that suppose to mean? I was really disappointed when I saw the release photos of the collection. I like some of the shades very much but not a collection as a whole. In response to the video tutorial and OPI’s collection I created a pirate look. What would Maestra look like as a pirate and what would her story be …

Manicure I’d proudly wear. Dark with a touch of glamour.

Pirate's manicure: OPI - Silver Shatter over Essie - Dive Bar and Konad - m70
Pirate’s manicure: OPI – Silver Shatter over Essie – Dive Bar and Konad – m70

Hi, I’m Captain Maestra.

Pirates Of The Caribbean inspired make up look by Maestra
Pirates Of The Caribbean inspired make up look by Maestra

The prettiest pirate in the whole wide world.

Pirates Of The Caribbean inspired make up look by Maestra
Pirates Of The Caribbean inspired make up look by Maestra

With the prettiest smile among pirates …

Pirates Of The Caribbean inspired make up look by Maestra
Pirates Of The Caribbean inspired make up look by Maestra

What are you saying?

Pirates Of The Caribbean inspired make up look by Maestra
Pirates Of The Caribbean inspired make up look by Maestra

That I don’t have pretty teeth?

Pirates Of The Caribbean inspired make up look by Maestra
Pirates Of The Caribbean inspired make up look by Maestra

I’ll try to clean them discreetly.

Pirates Of The Caribbean inspired make up look by Maestra
Pirates Of The Caribbean inspired make up look by Maestra


Pirates Of The Caribbean inspired make up look by Maestra
Pirates Of The Caribbean inspired make up look by Maestra

Wait? Whaaaat? The rum is gone?!?

Pirates Of The Caribbean inspired make up look by Maestra
Pirates Of The Caribbean inspired make up look by Maestra

But why is the rum gone?

Pirates Of The Caribbean inspired make up look by Maestra
Pirates Of The Caribbean inspired make up look by Maestra

Where did it go? Who took it?

Pirates Of The Caribbean inspired make up look by Maestra
Pirates Of The Caribbean inspired make up look by Maestra
Pirates Of The Caribbean inspired make up look by Maestra
Pirates Of The Caribbean inspired make up look by Maestra

Arrrggghhhh …. Be affraid … I’ll find you!

Pirates Of The Caribbean inspired make up look by Maestra
Pirates Of The Caribbean inspired make up look by Maestra

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

21 thoughts on “Inspirational look: Maestra, The Pirate Of The Caribbean”

  1. NORO! NORO! Hude fotke, hud Look!!!! Čist navdušena, sicer z majhno zamudo, ampak :naughty:
    Po fotkah se vidi, kako si uživala….

    Še več takšnih prispevkov :wave:

  2. LOL :haha: Fantasičen prispevek! Sploh tista z rumom je za umret zakon. :D :thumb: Glede kolekcije se pa strinjam. Čisto nič piratska se mi ne zdi. In hudo jim zamerim, da je tisti s Sparrow v imenu rožnate barve. :bljak: Edini ki bi ga res imela iz te kolekcije je Stranger Tides.

  3. Hahaha :w00t: kako me je pa tole nasmejalo! Super ideja, super izvedba :happy: . Makeup in manikura, oboje je noro, a najboljši so pa “polepšani” zobje :haha:

  4. I share your thoughts about the OPI collection, it was a huge disappointment, no matter what the general idea of the movie is. To hell with the marmaids, I wanted the rum drinking, cursing pirate like colors! Also, I’m loving the look on you! Especially the teeth. :D


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