Maestra’s new make up beauties from America

While I was browsing and preparing photos of the rest of my trip to America for you, I realised that there’s still a lot of photos that I would really like to show you. Definitely more than they can fit in one post. And I surely don’t want to bore you just with my trip photos and keep you waiting for the haul post. That’s why I decided that I’ll split my haul post into two or even three posts and in between I’ll show you more photos of my trip. Do we have a deal?

So today I have the make up part of my haul. I bought a lot, but you know what? The prices in the States are so much lower than the prices in Europe. It’s a shame, because even the European brands are quite a lot cheaper over there. That makes me really sad and angry. Can you believe that even Illamasqua is cheaper there? That’s outrageous! I better don’t even get to deep into that, because I’ll just get bitter. I better move to the photos.

USA 2011 Haul: Wet'n'Wild
USA 2011 Haul: Milani - Brow Fix
Milani – Brow Fix
USA 2011 Haul: Inglot Freedom System square palette
Inglot Freedom System square palette
USA 2011 Haul: Inglot Freedom System square palette
Inglot Freedom System square palette
USA 2011 Haul: Inglot Freedom System square palette
Inglot Freedom System square palette
USA 2011 Haul: Inglot - false eyelashes
Inglot – false eyelashes
USA 2011 Haul: Illamasqua - eyeshadow Sadist, lipstick Atomic, blush Hussy
Illamasqua – lipstick Atomic, blush Hussy, eyeshadow Sadist
USA 2011 Haul: Victoria's Secret Mega Make up Kit
Victoria’s Secret Mega Make up Kit

I hope you enjoyed the photos. In my next haul post I’ll show you the nail polishes.

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

15 thoughts on “Maestra’s new make up beauties from America”

  1. Hey :)

    This looks georgous! Im so jealous! :D

    I know its been while, but I would like the numbers of the Inglot-Shades sooo much!?


  2. AAAAAA !!! :stars: res fajn paletke, umetne trepalnice – komaj čakam kakšen nor maestramejkap!!! in nujno moram čimprej v Ameriko :)

  3. Ooooh, fantasično!! :wub: Prav oči sem si spočila. :yes: In Illamasqua Atomic … moj Illamasqua lemming, komaj čakam, da jo vidim na tebi! Paletke so pa popolne, itak! O cenah pa tudi jaz raje ne bi, ker čisto zakuham v glavo, če predolgo o tem razmišljam. Važno, da imaš en kup lepih pridobitev za super ceno!

    • Hihihi, tudi jaz velikokrat rečem, da si grem v drogerijo malo očke spočit. :angel:
      Atomic je prečudovita! Gledala sem jo že prejšnjič v UK in se zadržala, v USA pa sem jo enostavno morala kupiti in čisto nič mi ni žal. Prečudovit odtenek! Obožujem Illamasqua šminke (verjetno celo bolj kot njihove lake :scared: )! Moram v prihodnje tudi njim nameniti kakšen prispevek. :yes:

      • O ja, prosim! Mislim, da je premalo pozornosti namenjeno vsem ostalim izdelkom iz Illamasque na blogsferi. Jaz komaj čakam da se dokopljem do kakšnega make upa, upam, da bom uspela kolegici naročit predno gre v Anglijo. Žal so dragi za študentski žep. :( Za lake pa pravzaprav kar razumem … procentualno imajo tudi za moj okus manj všečnih lakov kot na primer kakšna ChG ali BB Couture … je pa res, da so tisti resnično 100% perfekcija. Pri Illamasqui zna igrat vlogo tudi njihov imidž, jaz sem rabila dolgo časa, da sem se otresla tega efekta “če je Illamasqua moram imeti”. :hmm: :blush:

  4. Nisem edina, ki so mi Inglotove palete zmešale glavo… :wub:
    Tudi Victoria’s Secret Make up Kit-a se ne bi branila, sploh zato, ker ga je Maestra zelo pohvalila. :love:
    Hvala, Maestra za tako barvito poročilo. :cute:

    • O ne, nikakor nisi edina. :wave:
      O VS ogromni zadevi pa bom v prihodnje kaj več napisala. Zadeva mi je res zelo všeč. Cena je za takšno reč res super ugodna. :thumb:

      • Bože kako jeftino! O_o Oči su mi skoro ispale :o :D
        Morat ću nagovorit svoju tetu koja dolazi za mjesec dana da mi nešto ‘sredi’ po tom pitanju a.k.a. da me opskrbi Inglotovim paletama haha :D

        • Da, puno jeftinije. :yes: Zbog toga sam nabavila 3 palete. :biggrin: Ti samo nagovori tetu, da ti donese kakvu paletu, jer se definitivno isplati. ;)


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