Review and swatches: Sleek – i-Divine Bad Girl make up palette

When I first saw Bad Girl i-Divine make up palette by Sleek in person, my first thought was: “That’s a lot of very dark shades!” I wasn’t really impressed, because it seemed that the palette is only suitable for very dark smokey eyes look. As you are going to see at the end of my review, I was wrong. This palette is actually very useful and you can do a lot of different looks with it. Here’s how the Bad Girl palette looks like …

Sleek i-Divine Bad Girl make up palette
Sleek i-Divine Bad Girl make up palette

Swatches …

Swatch: Sleek i-Divine Bad Girl make up palette
Sleek i-Divine Bad Girl make up palette
Swatch: Sleek i-Divine Bad Girl make up palette
Sleek i-Divine Bad Girl make up palette

Price in Slovenia: 10,95€.

Underground and Abyss are the least pigmented of the bunch. The pigmentation of the others is great. The shimmery shades have a creme-like texture, that’s why these are a bit harder to blend. Because of the creme-like texture these aren’t as long lasting as others. I’ve had some problems with creasing with these after several hours of wear.

As I mentioned before. The Bad Girl palette looks very dark, but you can do many different looks with it. I’ve made four different looks for you.

Sleek i-Divine Bad Girl: make up by Maestra
Sleek i-Divine Bad Girl: 4 different make up looks by Maestra

What do you think about the Bad Girl palette?

* The product was sent to me for review.

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

28 thoughts on “Review and swatches: Sleek – i-Divine Bad Girl make up palette”

  1. over all I am disappointed with sleek palettes some of the colors are horrible while others are great.
    Won’t be repurchasing them anymore :blush: :smell:

    • It’s always unpleasant when you buy something and then you don’t like it. :( The good thing is, that there are tons of good products out there, so everyone can find something for himself. Which palettes do you prefer that are in Sleek’s price range?

  2. Makeupi so kot vedno za na naslovnico, sama paleta pa me ni prepričala – takše finiš pri meni zelo hitro pristane v gubi. :angry:

  3. Wow the swatches look amazing! Definitely going on my wishlist.

    Thanks for the review, and showing us the great looks that can be done with it!

  4. Tale paletka je res super! sem jo naročila kak mesec nazaj in sem res navdušena, z razliko, da je bila a mojih vekah kar obstojna. nobenega pacanja in nabiranja (res pa je nisem preizkusila zdaj ko so dnevi toplejši … )barve so res takooo intenzivne da kar nisem mogla verjeti. V prihodnosti definitivno sledi še kakšna njihova paletka. :love:

    Sicer vaš blog spremljam bolj naskrivaj, ampak vas moram pohvaliti, ker so posti res super in uporabni. Tako da punce kar tako naprej. : :thumb:

    • Hvala za tvoj komentar, Urša! :rose: Vedno z veseljem preberem izkušnje in mnenja drugih. Me veseli, da ti paleta super ustreza. Pa oglasi se še kdaj. :wink:

  5. O, to je pa nekaj zame! Čudovite barve in s takimi looki mi daješ ogromno navdiha! Zna biti, da bo tole moja prva Sleek paletka, tvoje kombinacije so enostavno fantasične. Ko utegneš, bi se lepo priporočila še za kakšno, če se boš kdaj igrala. :) :rose: Različne ideje za videz, za katerega se uporabi samo ena paleta ličil se mi zdijo super, ker imaš vse na kupu. Mimogrede, če nisem preveč zoprna … bi kdaj, ko boš imela čas, pokazala še svojo zbirko čopičev, s katerimi ustvarjaš take kreacije? Moja zbirka čopičev namreč zelo šepa in se spravljam kupit ene par konkretnih že celo večnost, pa jih je toliko na tržišču, da se sploh ne znajdem … Hvala! :rose:

    • Me veseli, da so ti looki všeč. :rose:
      Za še več look-ov v tem trenutku žal ne morem obljubiti, ker me čaka ogromno stvari za narediti. Še stari “grehi” in nove reči iz Amerike… vsekakor se potrudim in morda vmes postam še kak Bad Girl look. ;)
      Da bi pokazala svoje najljubše čopiče in napisala o njih nekaj besed, pa sem že razmišljala. Verjetno se bom tega projekta tudi lotila dokaj kmalu. ;)
      Tukaj pa je stari post o čiščenju čopičev:

  6. fantastična paleta, a taman se mislim kako bih si nabacila acid paletu, sad mi je i ova napeta :stars:

    • Hvala! :rose: Moj edini pametni nasvet, ki je že tako zrabljen, da je že prozoren je: Vaja dela mojstra. ;)
      Je pa specifika teh senčil v tem, ker so precej “kremna”, da jih je težje blendati. Jaz “težavo” rešim tako (sploh v gubi), da čez primer nanesem neko nevtralno senčilo. Nanesem ga na rahlo, ravno toliko, da temnejše (sleek) senčilo, ki ga nanesem čez, začne “drseti” in potem je lažje blendati. Poleg tega pa pri tej tehniki večinoma barve niso tako zelo intenzivne. ;) Upam, da sem kaj pomagala.

  7. I really love this palette.. it’s got to be my most favourite Sleek Palette!
    BTW, are you excited about the 4 new palettes that are coming our this year? ;o

  8. Že nekaj časa nazaj sem cedila sline nad to paletko… in nato pozabila na njo… zdaj pa me spet mika :nervous: obujena strast! verjetno jo bom prav kmalu naročila… :yes:


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