I swatched all 14 shades of American Apparel nail polishes that I have in my stash and today I’m going to show them to you. There’s a lot of photos in this article, so please be patient while the article loads the photos. Thank you!
Army Jacket – light army green color. Perfect! Love it!

Berry – dark berry color.

Dynasty – light mauve color. A bit more dusty IRL.

Factory Grey – nice true grey (with maybe a touch of blue to it). Not too light nor too dark.

Hunter – nice dark green.

Mac Arthur Park – pea soup green. Unusual color. I like it!

Manila – sunny yellow.

Mount Royal – blue with a lot of purple to it (blurple). Not as saturated and a bit more dusty IRL.

Mouse – light taupe.

Palm Springs – light peachy color. I don’t like it very much.

Peacock – a very nice teal.

Poppy – very bright red with yellow undertones.

Rose Bowl – light salmon color.

Trenchcoat – camel color with a touch of green to it.

Formula on these is on the runny side. The brush is nice, though it’s a bit long and I can never get just the right amount of polish on it. I always get either too much on the brush or too little. All the shades that I have are very well pigmented. And what I love about American Apparel polishes is, they dry very fast.
What do you think about the American Apparel polishes? Do you like them? Which color is your favorite?
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Beautiful colors! :)
Berry in Mount royal :wub:
Berry bi še imela. :wub:
Sicer pa :bow: za izpeljavo tako zahtevnega projekta.
I love it! you’re on my blogroll! <3
Berry, Hunter, Mouse in Dynasty so mi taki srčkani odtenki :wub: Obožujem vse po vrsti.
Army Jacket ti res lepo sede na ten kože. Dobra izbira :thumb:
Prekrasni odtenki! :biggrin:
Ne bi se branila Army Jacket, Dynasty, Hunter…
seveda ob tvoji pomoči… :cute:
How much are these? Expensive?
I like them all, that’s all I can say, lol :D
Colors look amazing! And I love their bottle design (geometry fan :wub: )
Mount Royal, Rose Bowl, Peacock me najbolj pritegnejo da bi jih jaz nosila, mi je pa Mac Arthur Park tudi zelo všeč samo žal ne bi šel na moj ten kože. Nimam še nobenega AA laka, si mi pa zdaj naredila velike ‘lušte’ po njih… :ccc:
Mmmm, Dynasty in Army jacket sta res prava bonbončka :wink:
:w00t: :w00t: :w00t: Kakšne barve, kakšni odtenki :w00t: Kdo bi rekel, da gredo v skupino AA? :haha: :haha:
Težko se odločim kdo je moj favorit ampak Hunter, Berry in Mount Royal definitivno zmagajo. Drugače so pa vsi krasni. Res lepo, da si naredila swatche in nam bralkam naredila lušte in podaljšala sezname :wub:
Mislim, da je tu zajeta moja praktično komplet American Apparel WL. Tam kraljuje Army Jacket, seveda, vedela sem, da bo popoln na tvojih nohtih. :wub: Pa Dynasty, Peacock, Hunter, me je pa Factory Grey presenetil, zelo mi je všeč! Super zbirko AA imaš!
I like Rose bowl, Peacock and Mouse the most. Manila is also nice, and they all seem very pretty. Thank you for the swatches, now I want them all :)
Army Jacket, Dynasty, and Manilla are my favorites. I love Palm Springs too! Thank you for your wonderful swatches!
Beautiful colors! :) My favourite is Army Jacket – light army green color ^^
Oh my I am in love with the Peacock one so much. I really like the Dynasty one too! I hope I can find these. :)
Im in love with all the shades! haha, but my favorites are dynasty (lately Im in a dusty rose mode), mount royal, army jacket (which makes me think of khaki vert by chanel) and Mac Arthur park.
krasne boje ali hunter je definitivno moj izbor broj 1 :thumb:
Those color are all so gorgeous, especially Army Jacket and Hunter!
That camel colour is really great, love it! I also like the yellow “Manila”, it’s a great tone of yellow. It looks similar to Deborah Pret-A-Porter Yellow Fiz, maybe a bit darker. All in all I love all your picks!
OMG!!these nail polishes are awesome!! i want all!!!!!:)