I stood in front of the (almost) full display of Manhattan Hands Up! display in Austria and had really hard time choosing which shades should I leave in the store. In the end I bought 8 out of 20 creme polishes available.

I’m packing for trip with friends and family to Croatian shore, so I’ll be super short today.
Polishes are numbered, but Manhattan released names with promo photos, so I’ll write down both designations (that word always reminds me of Borg and Star Trek series ).
Manhattan Hands Up! no. 1 – Babelicious: I think this was the only one in the bunch with little bit tricky application. Think of medium hard pastel to apply. Shade is lighter pink.

Manhattan Hands Up! no. 2 – Fresh-Excited!: for a pastel shade application was not so bad. With enough polish on the brush it posed no problems. Very light mint green shade (less yellow than in the photo).

Manhattan Hands Up! no. 3 – Oh Heaven: baby blue shade.

Manhattan Hands Up! no. 4 – Do You Twitter?: well I’m trying to but Twitter confuses hell out of me. :D Love this gorgeous medium blue shade. No problems applying this one.

Manhattan Hands Up! no. 5 – Green Piece: a must have shade for me. You don’t see many greens which a not light but not dark either and with bluish undertone to them. In shade this polish looks few tones darker … and even prettier if you ask me. :D

Manhattan Hands Up! no. 7 – SOHO-Hot: medium dark pink with coral undertone to it.

Manhattan Hands Up! no. 11 – Lime It!: poisonous green shade I used as a base for my rotten apple mani. :D Yellowish based green with non-problematic application.

Manhattan Hands Up! no. 14 – Laguna Beach: I know, I know … I have tons of cyan shades and I still have to add another one of these beauties to my collection. Color is deeper/more saturated in real life.

I paid 3 EUR for 11ml bottle in Austria.
Any other shade you recommend from Manhattan Hands Up! LE?
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Lovely swatches and nails! I hope they won’t be more expensive in Croatia. Because if they’re 3 Euros, I’m buying 2,3 and 11!
I hope the same for Slovenia – I need few shades more. :biggrin:
4, 5, 11, 14 ‘moram’ imeti :), verjetno bi me mikal tudi 1 vendar pa take odtenke kupujem samo če se brezhibno nanašajo…
Uh, ne – Babelicious se na žalost ne nanaša brezhibno. :(
OMG, čisto vsi so čudoviti, navdušena! :w00t:
Ti boš verjetno še bolj navdušena nad vijolami, ki sem jih pustila v trgovini. :biggrin:
krasne boje, sve do jedne :stars:
ali kupila si 8 lakova odjednom :devil:
Kad bi taj dan bar kupila samo 8 lakova. :nervous:
trop beaux!!!!!
I love all the colors!
I’m not sure about love=Lime It but they’re all special. :biggrin:
Lime it! in pa Green P eace me bosta najbrž premamila. Predvidljivo, vem.
Green Piece je slinit se lep odtenek. :silly:
*wants so much* Excuse me while I drool over Lime It! Of course my usual DM didn’t have them yet. Sometimes it seems they’re weeks behind.
Also: would it be so hard to actually print the name on the label? :think:
Thank you for showing these off, now I know what to look out for these days.
(And holy cute smilies, Batman! :thumb: )
I’m wondering the same thing about the names on the labels. It’s annoying that they printed only numbers.
P.S. I love our smilies. :party:
Ow noo, I want them all, not all 6 of them, all 20 :(! I’m going to bankrupt :D.
Well – those 12 missing shades are on my WL … :biggrin:
Posljednje 4 nijanse su mi naj! :wub:
Divno izgledaju! :wub:
Već vidim Lime It na tebi. :nails:
those pinks are gorgeous!
If you like those, you’ll probably like purples also. They mixed some interesting shades. :yes:
Svi su mi prekrasni,ali ova dva plava :w00t:
Jedan ljepši od drugog. :wub:
Fresh-Excited! in Green Piece sta moja favorita. :wub:
Pa še temno zelenega dodaš in imaš krasen zelen trio. :nails:
Laguna Beach je definitivno moj favorit! divna nijansa!
Da ga vidiš uživo … :drop: :wub:
OMG!!!!! i love them all!!!
Me too. :biggrin: