Sneak peek into Maestra’s shoe closet

Although I most of the time wear comfortable shoes, I still have some pretty “serious” high heels in my shoe closet. The highest are probably around 12 cm, which is a lot for me. I love platforms! Without platforms I would never be able to walk in such high heels. How hight are the highest heels in your shoe closet?

Maestra's shoe closet
Maestra’s shoe closet

Isn’t that a nice view?

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10 thoughts on “Sneak peek into Maestra’s shoe closet”

  1. Zelo rada nosim visoke pete, čeprav bi mi jih ortoped zaradi težav s stopali vsekakor prepovedal, če bi mu dala to možnost in se šla pokazat. :whistle: Moje najvišje pete so okoli 9 cm, se mi zdi, tam nekje, imam pa hudo željo kupit ironfistke. :wub: Lepa zbirka, tudi meni so zeleni najprej padli v oči, super barva!

  2. I see that almost all of you noticed and liked my green beauties. :wub: I love them as well. The color is simply gorgeous! I bought them in Zara just recently. ;)

  3. Zal zaradi težav z nogami ne smem nosit visokih petk tako da so moje najvišje na plesnih čevljih pa še te so prilagojene na 4 cm. Mi je pa žal da se moram za kakšne posebne dogodke odpovedat visokim petkam predvsem ker nizkih sexy čevljev še nisem našla…

  4. I hate platforms, but my highest heels are probably in vicinity of 11 cm … and those are dance shoes. :silly: The only advantage of large feet is the fact that I can skip platforms. :biggrin:
    I love your closet – but I can’t stop thinking how much of my huge footwear would fit into it. :biggrin:


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