I borrowed few of Maestra’s beauty products to serve as “models” for Gallery images. Among them was Illamasqua Sangers lipstick. As I just recently bought Revlon Matte Really Red I guess comparison was almost unavoidable … and my Facebook friends said I should write about it. :D
It’s always a nightmare to capture the right shade of red with my camera, but I did my best. Imagine that Sangers is a little bit cooler and Really Red warmer red in real life.

While both shades have matte finish, Revlon formula is more matte that Illamasqua’s. Formula wise I would say that I prefer Sangers, but Really Red suits me better color wise since it’s warm toned.
Staying power is good with both lipsticks – I get easily at least couple of hours of juicy red lips from both of them.
None is really drying but I can’t say they’re moisturizing either … what a surprise as we’re talking about matte lipsticks.
Swatches are not the best, but I hope you can at least see that they are indeed different shades.

Yesterday I went ahead and bought another Revlon Matte shade – Strawberry Suede … I sincerely hope I’m not acquiring another addiction.
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Od teh dveh mi je bolj všeč Sangers, od Revlon Matte imam pa drugače Strawberry Suede in je super…
Hvala za primerjavo. :rose: Obe sta lepi, a vidim, da ne rabim obeh. Moram pa priznati, da sem bila kar presenečena, kako zelo obstojna je moja Revlon Matte – Strawberry Suede šminka. Dejansko se lahko primerja z Illamasqua šminkami, kar je super!!!
Both look gorgeous but I’ll skip them cause my Ruby Woo is on the way! :happy: :happy:
Gledala sam swathceve. :wub: Ali se mi čini hladan podton, tako da je idealna za tebe ali ne i za mene. :hmm:
Pa nisam sigurna jel’ baš skroz hladna jer je to baš lijepa prava retro crvena nijansa, a u usporedbi sa Russian red nijansom vidi se da nije toliko hladna, pa pretpostavljam zapravo da je neutralna :) Al’ vidit ću kad dođe :wub:
oh Ruby Woo is just fantastic! I love it ♥