You know what? I’m really not a party animal. Those days are long gone. In this department I’m very boring. I prefer to stay at home and snuggle with my boyfriend on our comfortable couch over a party night out. Yes, that’s who I am. But that doesn’t stop me from doing a “Friday night out” photoshot. :D So, here are some photos how I might look on a Friday night out.
Have a nice weekend!
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Hihhi, kaksna faca si! ;D Mi je cisto vsec ta oprava, sploh pa frizura <3.
Še ena tukaj, ki ni ravno party tip (rajši doma če pa že grem zvečer ven grem najrajši na večerjo s prijatelji, ali pa v kakšno gledališče), samo za razliko od tebe jaz potem ko pride kakšna taka priložnost ne vem kaj obleč in obut (visokih petk ne smem nosit, ker imam odebelitev palca :(((( nizke petke pa skoraj nič ne izgleda glamurozno). Drugače pa sexy outfit (je tvojemu po moje kar pasalo da sta doma ostala :biggrin: )
You’re doing it right! Staying at home doens’t mean that we can’t get dressed up for a moment. You look beautiful!
:wub: love the shoes!! lepa si, škoda da nisi šla ven :ccc:
Hvala! :rose: Tudi doma je bilo zelo luštno. :love:
sexay. your hair is adorable. i think i might have to try that. haha
Thank you! :rose:
The hairdo is very easy to do. It’s kinda side chignon. Try it … it’s fun!
Another cuddler here. :biggrin:
Love the top. :thumb:
Hi there :wave:
Love the outfit! :)
Good to hear I’m not alone! I feel just the same.. I much rather stay at home and snuggle than go out.. :P
Thank you!
And no, you’re definitely not alone! Welcome to the “snuggle&cuddle club”. :biggrin:
You look HOT!
Thank you! :rose:
ooo very sexy! Why not cuddle up on the couch in this outfit with your boyfriend.
I’m also way passed going out (unless it is eating out), just like you, hehehe
Oh yes … cuddle up on the couch with my boyfriend … in this outfit … very good idea. :cute: