Bundle Monster stamping image plates – 2nd series

A while ago I saw on Facebook that Bundle Monster is launching the second series of their stamping plates. I didn’t get the first one as I love all over images and their first series had smaller sized than average ones. But when I heard that there is lots of all over images + bigger one to boot, I flew to Amazon and ordered the set of 25 image plates for about 18 EUR (26 USD) with shipping included.

Bundle Monster Image Plates by Parokeets
Bundle Monster Image Plates

It took the image plates more than a month to reach Slovenia, so I was not really happy about that. The only other thing that bothered me was the “dirt” on some of the plates. But all in all nothing that would lower the values of the plates in my book.

One of the things I like about new Bundle Monster plates, is the color of the foil that comes on them. Instead of the clear foil they used a blue one. Why is that a good thing? Because a lot of people has problems with spotting the foil and then they think their plate is “broken”. If you add the white backing which helps to lower the number of cuts, you get much more “user-friendly” plates.

Bundle Monster Image Plate - frontend, backend

I edited all the photos in two ways – in a movie and as separate photos. So you can choose the way you wish to browse through them.


Bundle Monster Image Plate - 201, 202
Bundle Monster Image Plate – 201, 202

Bundle Monster Image Plate - 203, 204
Bundle Monster Image Plate – 203, 204

Bundle Monster Image Plate - 205, 206
Bundle Monster Image Plate – 205, 206

Bundle Monster Image Plate - 207, 208
Bundle Monster Image Plate – 207, 208

Bundle Monster Image Plate - 209, 210
Bundle Monster Image Plate – 209, 210

Bundle Monster Image Plate - 211, 212
Bundle Monster Image Plate – 211, 212

Bundle Monster Image Plate - 213, 214
Bundle Monster Image Plate – 213, 214

Bundle Monster Image Plate - 215, 216
Bundle Monster Image Plate – 215, 216

Bundle Monster Image Plate - 217, 218
Bundle Monster Image Plate – 217, 218

Bundle Monster Image Plate - 219, 220
Bundle Monster Image Plate – 219, 220

Bundle Monste Image Plate - 221, 222
Bundle Monste Image Plate – 221, 222

Bundle Monste Image Plate - 223, 224
Bundle Monste Image Plate – 223, 224

Bundle Monste Image Plate - 225
Bundle Monste Image Plate – 225

I already tried out couple of images and so far I didn’t encounter any problem.
Here are couple of photos of Bundle Monster plates in action:

Manhattan Hands Up 3 + 7 + Bundle Monster 221
Manhattan Hands Up 3 + 7 + Bundle Monster 221
Alessandro Spacey Grey + China Glaze Sci-Fi, Bundle Monster IP 208
Alessandro Spacey Grey + China Glaze Sci-Fi, Bundle Monster IP 208
Manhattan 4 + China Glaze - Millenium, Essence Stamp Me White, Miracle Shine, Bundle Monster 208, 224, 225
Manhattan 4 + China Glaze – Millenium, Essence Stamp Me White, Miracle Shine, Bundle Monster 208, 224, 225

Do you already own the set? Which image is your favorite?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

22 thoughts on “Bundle Monster stamping image plates – 2nd series”

  1. O, stara moja, to pa je woow :w00t: … men je ful vzorčkov všeč, ne morem povedat kateri je naj … je pa res glede tiste plastike na platki…tako sem jo jaz spregledala … bila sem čisto :angry: pol pa :blush: ko je fant ugotovil, da je plastika gor (jaz pomoje neb nikol) :whistle: :wink:

    • Naši dragi so zakon. :cute:
      Še meni se občasno zgodi, da ima kakšna šablona še vedno gor folijo … kar ugotovim šele, ko scraper odstrani ves lak. :biggrin:

  2. Ooooooo, zadnja manikura je PERFEKTNA!!! Joj, čudovito! Zaenkrat imam samo eno BM šablonico, sem jo dobila v giveawayju in se zelo rada igram z njo – prvi koraki, ampak počasi bo že. Še zdaleč ni tako lepo kot znate mojstrice, ponavadi mi končki zmanjkajo, kar me precej moti, ampak vaja dela mojstra. Jaz bi si z veseljem nabavila vse z abstraktnimi in cvetličnimi vzorčki, te imam najraje.

    • :rose:
      Ti zmanjka ob straneh ali po dolžini nohta? Pri prvih BM ploščicah bi ob straneh meni zagotovo zijala luknja, zato jih raje sploh nisem kupila. :biggrin:

  3. HOLY! There is a gingerbreadman on bm222! *.* this is the most amazing image-plate design i :w00t: :stars: :drop: ever saw Ö.O

  4. Jaz sem imela to srečo, da sem jih zmagala :3 res so the best :D me pa čudi, da so tvoje potovale toliko časa..jaz sem prvo (lani) in drugo serijo čakala samo 14 dni :3 skratka..must have vsake lako- in konadoholičarke :thumb:

  5. tudi jaz jih imam :) in mi je zelo všeč da so povečali vzorčke

    sem pa jih dobila kar hitro – v 1 tednu, me je kar presenetilo :)


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