p2 nail polish collection

As you already know I love p2 polishes. They’re not available in my country, but every once in a while kind soul brings me few polishes from Germany, so my collection is growing.

I gathered all of my p2 polishes as I was updating my list, when I got the idea to show you my beauties. I’ll probably never manage to swatch all of them, so you can at least see the color in the bottle. Most of the polishes that we did swatch can be found in p2 gallery.

p2 nail polish stash by Parokeets

p2 nail polish collection by Parokeets

p2 also released few new shades under the same name previous shades wore. Unlike the Essence/Catrice their numbers are unique for each polish. So you have old Glamour (no. 010) and new Glamour (no. 680). Recycling the name of the polish is not something I’m crazy about, but if they do it – I prefer the p2 way.

p2 nail polish stash by name
p2: Glamour (010), Hyper, Stormy, Divine, Lovely, Glamour (680), Passion (630), Elegant, Open Your Heart, Electric, Stylish, Chic, Gorgeous!, Rich
p2 nail polish stash by name
p2: Being In Heaven, So Cool!, Funky, Gigantic, Fancy, Rebel, Spacy, Glory, Artful, Jetset, Trouble, Groovy, Dangerous, Passion (130)

Side polishes visible on second photo are: Silver Blast, Golden Rush and Scandal.

Which p2 nail polish is your favorite?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

19 thoughts on “p2 nail polish collection”

  1. Kar nekaj jih imam na WL, v lasti pa zaenkrat samo enega. Počasi pa bo. :) Tvoja zbirka pa je res več kot odlična! Mislim da imaš vse z moje WL. :yes: BTW, si potem dobila Alessandrove magnetice? Jaz sem nad oranžkom-ki-to-ni najbolj razočarana. Bež je, ne pa oranžen. Ampak po eni strani mi je kar odleglo, bala sem se, da bom hotela kupit tri odtenke, res so dragi. Enega sem potem pohopsala, enega pa ni bilo več na polički, tako da sumim, da je tisti bil najlepši, bom šla še v Limonija povohljat. :yes: Hvala ti, da si sploh opozorila nanje zdaj že nekaj tednov nazaj, sicer bi jih spet preskočila, kot sem novoletne. :rose:

  2. I also LOVE p2 nail polishes but unfortunately they’re not available in the UK. My favorite is Unforgettable, I love the teal tone and the application is always super easy!

    And what a great collection you have, they’re all beautiful!


  3. I bought several P2 polishes in Germany. They are beautiful. However, in my opinion they are a bit too watery. But the colors are fine.


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