Review and swatches: Essence Nails In Style TE

Essence Nails In Style TE is here and it’s finally time to play with nail foils. :D

Let’s take a look a what Essence has to say about Nails In Style collection:

when the summer reaches its height in July, it’s also time to get your finger and toe nails in top shape! because what could be better than creating the perfect nail style to go with your outfit or your favorite high-heels? with the new trend edition “nails in style”, essence is offering a special product collection in July 2011 that will draw all attention to your gorgeous nail. playful nail crystals, seductive nail polishes in cool summer colors or extravagant and innovative nail foils – with the new products by essence, your nails will really be “in style”!

4 nail polishes + 3 nail transfer foils equals lot’s of play time for me. My first attempts with Essence foils were not stellar but I’ll show them to you anyway.

Essence Nails In Style TE by Parokeets

Essence Nails In Style TE review by Parokeets

Let’s start with nail polishes in Nails In Style TE.

Style For Summer Nights is silver polish with foil finish. I needed two coats for for full opacity.

Essence Nails In Style TE - Style For Summer Nights swatch by Parokeets
Essence Nails In Style TE – Style For Summer Nights (2 coats + top coat)

Style Me Love is another foil finish polish in this collection – this time in pinkish shade. Formula is thicker than in Style For Summer Nights polish, but on the bright side you need only one layer to cover up visible nail line. 2 coats + top coat.

Essence Nails In Style TE - Style Me Love swatch by Parokeets
Essence Nails In Style TE – Style Me Love

Style Me Holo is of course not holographic polish but falls into the duochrome category. You can see green, blue and purple shades in the polish. It’s quite sheer – so 3 coats are needed.

Essence Nails In Style TE - Style Me Holo swatch by Parokeets
Essence Nails In Style TE – Style Me Holo (3 coats + top coat)

Last polish in Nails In Style TE is Styl-is, Baby! This is one of those green polishes that are going through identity crisis – should I be completely green or lean to the blue side instead? If you use thicker coats then 2 are enough, otherwise 3 are needed. Finish is slightly frosty. 2 coats + top coat.

Essence Nails In Style TE - Style-ish, Baby! swatch by Parokeets
Essence Nails In Style TE – Style-ish, Baby!

Now onto the nail transfer foils.

First of few guidelines for all the nail foil beginners:

  • apply thin layer of glue and try to spread it as evenly as possible;
  • wait few minutes to dry … glue turns transparent (in this heat 1-2 minutes were optimal for me);
  • take one of the strips you cut from the roll and press the foil onto the nail (“silver side”/not the one with the design side touches the glue);
  • try to apply foil as creasless as possible and then smooth it out with finger/cotton swab (if you have high C curve be prepared for problematic application);
  • if you’re applying nail foil all over the nail, it is highly recommended that you use a similar colored nail polish for a base before you start with glue+foil. Nail foils unfortunately almost never transfer completely onto the nail …
  • if you use top coat over the manicure to make it last longer than few hours, make sure you use slow drying top coat (fast drying ones will crinkle the foil);
  • do one finger at the time.

After days of playing with foils I came to the conclusion that I prefer them as the “spice up” for my manicure rather than applied all over the nail.
My high C curve is problematic for all over transfer – I managed to do almost complete transfer on my pinky (lowest C curve) in the second try, but rest of the nails were nightmare.
I’m guessing that Essence anticipated problems so they suggest you use foils for nail tip, dots, lines.

You can choose among 3 different Essence Nails In Style nail transfer sets: Style My Dream, Style My Glamour and Style Me Pretty. Each set consists of 36 cm of foil and 3,5ml (0.11 fl.oz) of glue.

Essence Nails In Style TE - Transfer Foils
Essence Nails In Style TE – Transfer Foils: Style My Dream, Style My Glamour, Style Me Pretty

First I applied two layers of Essence Style For Summer Nights nail polish + top coat. When manicure was completely dry, I applied glue, waited for little over 1 minute and then pressed Style My Dream nail foil onto the nail. After I carefully removed foil I still had some empty space on one finger, so I tried to do nail tip. As this was for playing purposes I didn’t really seek balanced manicure, I just wanted to try out as many designs as I could … while testing how much time is needed for glue to “dry”.

Essence Nails In Style TE - Style For Summer Nights + Style My Dream foil
Essence Nails In Style TE – Style For Summer Nights + Style My Dream foil

Other 2 foils I applied all over my nails … just to show you what can you expect if you have similarly shaped nails as me.

Style Me Pretty foil over Style Me Love nail polish …

Essence Nails In Style TE - Style Me Love + Style Me Pretty foil by Parokeets
Essence Nails In Style TE – Style Me Love + Style Me Pretty foil

… and Essence Style My Glamour nail foil over Gosh Holographic (I chose the strongest silver holo in my collection as a base). The foil looks to blue on the photo – is more silver in real life.

Gosh Holographic + Essence Nails In Style TE Style My Glamour foil
Gosh Holographic + Essence Nails In Style TE Style My Glamour foil

After all is said and done I would still use Style Me Pretty and Style My Dream all over the nails. If base polish is close in color, bold spots are not that visible … unless you look at them at the really close distance. Style My Glamour gives wonderful holographic effect, but I love it more for designs than all over manicure.

I was playing around with foils for quite some time, so my darling came to see what I was doing. He commented that every single thing is from Essence.
I looked at the table and saw: Essence base coat, Essence top coat, Essence dotting tool, Essence nail polish corrector pen + 4 Essence Nails In Style polishes and 3 nail foils. No wonder he thinks I’m Essence addict. 

Essence tools
Essence: base coat, top sealer, dotting tool, nail polish corrector pencil


  • 8ml (0.27 fl.oz) polish – 1,79 EUR;
  • nail transfer foil set – 2,69 EUR.

P.S. All the gold reflections on photos are just that – reflection from my yellow bulb.

Maestra tried out Essence Nails In Style Nail fashion stickers for toes.

In one package you get 16 different stickers, that’s 8 different sizes. The application is the same as with the stickers for your nails on your hands. So if you tried those, you know what to expect from these.

Instructions: Essence - Nails In Style: Nail Fashion Stickers For Toes
Essence – Nails In Style: Nail Fashion Stickers For Toes

How did I apply them?

It took me about 25 minutes to apply stickers on all 10 nails. I had problems finding right shape for me, but I somehow managed in the end. I centered the sticker on the nails and then rubed the sticker to the side with orange woodstick. I filed with medium Alessandro file and finished with cristaly file.

Swatch: Essence - Nails In Style: Nail Fashion Stickers For Toes
Essence – Nails In Style: Nail Fashion Stickers For Toes

In the next couple of days I’ll update this post with the wear time of the stickers.

*Two nail foils and nail stickers were sent to us for review.

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

38 thoughts on “Review and swatches: Essence Nails In Style TE”

  1. I’ve just bought Style My Glamour nail foil yesterday! I’m gonna try it tomorrow. It looks really pretty on you. I’ve never tried foils so I’m looking forward to it.
    Thanks for this great post!
    …still wondering if I’ll buy the silver polish…Do you know if it’s close to OPI Your Royal Shine-ness?

  2. :wub: that foil and the colors are so eye catching! My favorite is Gosh Holographic + Essence Nails In Style TE Style My Glamour foil and Essence Nails In Style TE – Style-ish, Baby! :cute:

  3. :undecided: Dotting tool od Essence? Kako mi je pa to uspelo zgrešiti??? Se še da sploh dobiti? Sicer me pa tale kolekcija ni preveč pritegnila, sem samo na hitro pošpegala stojalo … upam da nisem zaradi tega ostala brez dotting toola. :(

  4. Okej, tole s folijo mi nekako ne gre v glavo .. Sem v trgovini gledala, da bi kupila, ampak ker sem antitalent za take stvari (kjerkoli je lepilo zraven pri meni nastane packarija), tako da sem si premislila … Sem si pa privoščila Style me holo in Style me love … slednji mi je še posebej všeč :thumb:

    • Lepilo je v bistvu lepljiv lak. Pa da ne boš mislila da sem jaz spretna – moja finomotorika je totalno sucksy. :roll: Že za “lepo” lakiranje nohtov sem potrebovala več vaje kot večina izmed vas. :roll:

  5. This will be the first essence TE that I won’t buy anything of :D

    I’m really not impressed with the nail polishes, the only one I kind of like is Style me holo, but it looks like a dupe for Blue Ray, which I own.
    Foils look cool, but I know that even if I bought them, I would never use them.

    The only thing I absolutely love are Gejba’s nails :wub:

  6. “Gosh Holographic + Essence Nails In Style TE Style My Glamour foil”

    OH MY F—NG GOD!!!!! F—NG AMAZING!!!!! :w00t:
    thats all i have to say
    im dead :drop: its so beautiful

  7. Awesome!!! I love this post. I see Essence is your one stop shop. The polishes are beautiful and I’m loving the packaging. I haven’t tried foils but I want to soon. Can you recommend a good topcoat to use for foils? *-*

    • Eh – the one on the photo worked on designs, but not all over application. At least it was passable on Style Me Pretty and Style My Dream, but looked awful over Style My Glamour. I beginning to wonder if I should try out base coats as top coats for foils.

  8. :wave: to all Essence addicts!! Yes, nail foils are difficult to apply on full nail. Of course you can reaply on the bold spots and a similar base coat helps a lot. Can’t wait to try them! And the toes nail stickers! I guess they’ll last longer that the finger ones.

  9. Style Me Holo se mi zdi precej podoben Blue Ray-u iz kolekcije Meet Bi lahko katera naredila primerjavo?

    Folije pa mi niso bog ve kaj. Jaz imam Style My Dream in imam probleme z njo, ko jo želim nanesti čez cel noht.

    • Jaz nisem vzela ničesar iz Holografic kolekcije. Ne vem pa, če ima Maestra Style Me Holo. Če se slučajno vmes zmeniva za kako kavico, se bova probali uskladiti za kako primerjavo.

      Folije na žalost zahtevajo malo spretnosti, če jih želiš nanesti čez cel noht. Vendar se da kar hitro dobiti prakso.

  10. Uf, kako super post! :stars:
    Najbolj všeč mi je lakec Style Me Holo, čeprav ni holo. :biggrin:
    Roza kombinacija laka in folije čez cel noht je pa tudi super, tole moram pa danes sprobati!
    Hvala za ideje! :thumb:

  11. o, bude tu nešto i za mene, jedva čekam da se kolekcija spusti na more :stars:
    baš me zanima kako će se naljepnice držati, iako dobro izgledaju ne očekujem puno od njih :wave:

  12. Od lakova mi se jedino Style my Love sviđa, a folije ljubičasta i roza. Eto kako promo fotke mogu zavarat čovjeka, uvijek mi na njima sve izgleda wooow ali kad vidim swatcheve više mi nije sve tako wooow.

    A ovaj plavi duochrome, ja volim Essence ali ne znam šta je njima da su već jedno 3 laka u zadnje vrijeme izbacili koji su plavo zeleni duochrome. :ermm:

    • Zato ja uvijek kažem – ako je samo pola tako dobro kao na promo fotkama … :biggrin:

      Imaju odviše plavo-zelenog laka pa ga ubace u svaku ediciju? :silly:

  13. Wow Gejba roza folija ti je uspela perfektno! Še dobro, da jo imam doma, čeprav sem jo že hotela pustiti v trgovini, ker do zdaj nisem videla nobenih dobrih swatchev. :w00t: No, če jih pa še ne bi imela, bi jih šla pa zdj hitr iskat še. :biggrin:


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