Wedding Collection 2011. Four “wedding safe” colors approved by Essie. As you can imagine there’s no crazy colors in this collection. No unique shades either. But still four very nice ones. And one unexpected shade.
Made To Honor is a sheer nude shade. I liked it on me. My hands looked clean and neat. Also appropriate for french manicures. It was easy to apply. Not streaky. I applied two coats. On Scrangie’s blog you can see how this one looks at four coats.

Better Together is the pinker version of Made To Honor. The application was similar as with the previous one. Maybe a bit streakier. I applied two coats. On Scrangie’s blog you can see how this one looks at four coats.

Borrowed & Blue is the unexpected shade for me. It’s a pale blue. Pastel blue. Very nice shade. The application wasn’t problematic. There’s two coats shown in the photo below.

First Dance is my favourite from the collection, which is also unexpected, right? Well, Essie obviously knows how to make red polishes. I love it! It’s bright and elegant. Easy to apply. Two coats shown in the photo below. Favourite polish, special photo. :D

Nice collection. The formula on these was very good. All of them were easy to apply, even the sheer ones. The sheer ones are buildable and at four coats they are almost completely opaque. They all dry very fast.
What do you think? Which one is your favourite?
*The products were sent to me for review purposes.
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
The light blue color is so pretty
First dance :stars: :stars: :stars:
Kako mi je všeč? A kolekcija da je? Jaz se samo zelo trudim ne naročiti si že n-tega rdečega laka. Pa tako je lep. Pa tako je spet čisto drugačen od vseh, ki jih že imam :sigh: Se ti zdi podoben Well red-u ali Forever young-u? Reci da ja, ker potem mi ga ni treba nujno kupit.
Mi je pa všeč tudi Better together, ko si že ravno vprašala :yes:
Aham, kolekcija že dolgo je. :wink: Kako uspešno se trudiš? n je lahko tudi zelo majhna številka. Npr. če je n=2, potem nujno rabiš še kakšnega. :biggrin:
Nobenega od zgoraj omenjenih nimam (če pa imam, pa nisem našla :biggrin: ). Primerjala sem stekleničke in še najbližje pride E! Live From The Red Carpet. Upam, da ti kaj pomaga. :nails:
Pozabila odgovorit. N je 7 samo v “cinober” rdeči kategoriji (Med njimi še tastari Red Carpet glam, ki ga ljubosumno čuvam) in nekaj njih temnejših :whistle: Sem se odločila, da ne rabim in si kupila Better Together. Lep je :thumb:
Pa opazila sem da je tale wedding šla čisto mimo mene in sem jo res pozno opazila :blush:
Hvala za vse swatche Maestra :wub:
Rdečko :wub:
Better Together and Borrowed and Blue are my favs in this collection!
Rdečko :wub:
The red one is the only one which I like. Pretty red color :wub:
First Dance is just so so pretty! Can imagine a sparkling diamond at the end of that finger:)
Rdečko je res lep :wub: . Made to honor mi je sicer tudi všeč vendar pa je na mojih nohtih ta tip laka skoraj vedno progast po 2 nanosih – več kot 2 pa zelo nerada nanašam.
Ja, First dance je pa res lep :wub: Še dobro, da sem ga že ujela :yes:
The second pink is lovely, although a bit too sheer I think, and the red is stunning!
The blue is very pretty
First Dance. :wub: :stars:
love the blue