I realised I’ll most likely never have Daborah Lippmann’s beautyful glitter polishes like Candy Shop, Happy Birthday, Forget You etc. They are expensive and not very easy to get (at least for me). So I tried to create my own Candy Shop polish. I named it Franky In The Candy Shop. Here it is. Three coats and a top coat.

Close up …

The ingredients are:
- Catrice – Miss Piggy Reloaded (approx. 1/4)
- Essence – Circus Confetti (approx. 2/3)
- Essence – Better Than Gel Nails Top Sealer (the rest)
It’s not near the real deal, but I still like it. Maybe I like it even better, because the glitter is not as dense as in the real Candy Shop polish.
What do you think about my fankenpolish?
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
it’s so pretty :wub:
Great franken! I am looking to do a Candy Shop franken as well, yours is inspiration that it can definitely be done!!! :love:
Pri vseh teh zmešančkih me je hudo zamikalo na tak način narediti zelenkota. Pa mi v glavi ni najbolj všeč kombinacija … hecno. Mi je pa všeč, čeprav je rozast! :yes:
Imam doma vse sestavine, pa ga bom probala zmešat :yes: :nails:
This is amazing!! Gorgeous!! My frankening skills are not good yet but I’ll definitely try to make something similar!
It’s very easy. I’m pretty sure you can do it!!!
ful lepoooo :) res lep zmešanček:) :wub:
Super “zmešanček”! :yes: Tudi jaz bi imela-prosim! :scared:
Te že čaka. ;)
I love this so much I want to buy it! Looks like real deal I think:)
Love it!!!! :wub:
super je i ja planiram napravit nesto slicno kad se docepam odgovarajuceg rozog laka :angel:
Uau, ful se mi zdi podoben originalu, super zmešanček! :w00t:
Tale Circus Confetti je res posrečen, pa še zelo dostopen in poceni.
Ravno obratno od Lippmann lakcev. :silly:
Jap, tale cirkus je res super posrečen. :yes:
O when I saw this in Facebook I decided that you bought the Daborah Lippmann’s one. :silly: I was totally jealous and when I found that you did this … I’m even more jealous. Really great, good job :w00t:
Thanks! :rose:
super izgleda :thumb:
čak i ja, koja nisam najveći ljubitelj roze boje morala sam isfrankirat ovog krasotana :idea:
Really cute!
And really alike!!