I was standing in front of Maybelline stand and looking at mini Colorama Urban Turquoise (no. 120) nail polish. I have tons of green shades with bluish undertone, but I still buy every single one that I spot in the store.
Maybelline mini Colorama Urban Turquoise can be one coater, has bushy brush and tendency to stain nails. I used 2 coats and top coat.

Price: 2,19 EUR (3.2 USD) for 7,5ml. I think they are usually little bit more expensive but there was sale and I picked up only this shade … hard to believe isn’t it.
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Ful lepo odtenek, sm si ga glih danes privoščila ;)
Pa čudoviti nohtki!
Ne vem zakaj, tele Colorame vedno odložim nazaj na poličko, četudi mi je všeč odtenek. Morda zato, ker sem jih popredalčkala k slabim čopičem? Kaj pa vem. :)
Lovely shade……m going to search for it. :)
Odtenek je krasen, so pa ti laki na mojih nohtih čisto neobstojni :( Po navadi sem imela po 1 dnevu že čisto zlizane konice.
Jaz nisem imela hujših težav z obstojnostjo. Očitno jim INM nadlak ustreza.
Teal is one of my favorite colors too.
Love this colour, turquoise is just so pretty looking and this colour looks like a great one! What a great price you got it for:)
I’m turquoise addict so I simply could not leave it in the store. :silly:
gorgeous colour :D
pretty color! will check that out!
BTW, I’m having my giveaway. I hope you can join.
I wanted to buy it, but on that day I had Essence Bella on my nails, and when I picked it up I saw that they are reeeally really similar. So I gave up. :)
And one of the Miss Sporty ones is also very similar … but I still had to buy all of them. :roll:
Jaz se pa nikakor ne morem pripraviti do tega, da bi v trgovini kupila še kakšen drug lak kot Essence ali Catrice. Avtomatsko imam občutek, da ne bo dovolj dober za svoj denar. No, večinoma se niti ne motim. =) Tale mi je pa vseeno zelo lep, pa 2 plasti… ampak čopič… ne, hvala.
Mene itak vse premami … hudobne kemikalije na delu. :angel:
stvarno je krasotan :stars:
tega sem imela, pa sem ga predala kolegici, ker imam doma od essence čisto enak lak. le da tisti še bolj kot ta zabarva nohte.
maš prav, krasen odtenek
Bom počasi začela uporabljat tri plasti podlaka, ker se tale zabarvanja kar vrstijo. :biggrin:
Srčakana barva :thumb: