Flormar, Golden Rose haul

I’ve been hauling a lot lately … too much to be honest. I wasn’t really sure whether to show you these photos or not as I really went overboard and I have a bone to pick with Flormar. They think it’s perfectly acceptable to use my photos on their Facebook page … so I rarely do reviews for their products. Like our Copyright is so complicated. I know you would like to see swatches but I buy a lot of things and I rather spend my time on presenting good brands vs. photo thieving ones. But since the hated Flormar FB page disappeared, I may start swatching their products again.

Enough of whining – prepared to see my new goodies?

Flormar, Golden Rose - Haul 07 2011
Flormar, Golden Rose – Haul 07 2011

Lets break down this pile.

First I ran to the regular stand and bought bunch of polishes.

Flormar Supershine: 14, 30, U04, U08
Flormar Supershine: 14, 30, U04, U08
Flormar 344, 425; Gabrini 405; Golden Rose: Paris 82, 231, Care&Strong 169, 164; Protein 318
Flormar 344, 425; Gabrini 405; Golden Rose: Paris 82, 231, Care&Strong 169, 164; Protein 318

Next were eyeshadows and blush.

Flormar: Blush-On 89, Quartet Eye Shadow: 403, 408
Flormar: Blush-On 89, Quartet Eye Shadow: 403, 408
Flormar: Mono Eye Shadow 007, 013, 002
Flormar: Mono Eye Shadow 007, 013, 002

As was about to pay my purchase when I spotted Flormar and Golden Rose Graffiti lines … more crackles!

Flormar Graffiti: G06, G01, G03, G10 by Parokeets
Flormar Graffiti: G06, G01, G03, G10
Golden Rose Graffiti: 10, 04, 03, 11, 06 by Parokeets
Golden Rose Graffiti: 10, 04, 03, 11, 06

And now I can officially declare that I’m bankrupt … but pretty. :D

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

19 thoughts on “Flormar, Golden Rose haul”

    • I’ll probably buy two more shades and then swatch all of them together. So you’ll have swatches + comparison in one place. :cute:

      But let me guess – you have Flormar, Gabrini and Golden Rose, right? I’m so jealous. :biggrin:

    • In the almost 3 years we’ve been writing this blog, we experienced a lot of these kind of situations, but they usually take photos down after we contact them. Flormar was really getting annoying, but fortunately they seem to be reformed for the time being. We’ll see if they continue with this policy. :devil:

  1. Izgleda mikavno … Ampak kje je možno kupiti njihove izdelke v Sloveniji (če sploh je)? In ali slučajno kdo ve, ali testirajo na živalih? Našla sem sicer njihovo internetno stran, ampak je v romunščini in si ne morem pomagati z njo.

    • Nikjer ne omenjajo (govorim za Flormar), da ne testirajo, tako da … Gre pa za turško kozmetiko, če ti to kaj pomaga.
      Pri nas se je dalo dobiti nekaj Golden Rose lakov za nohte na Lakizanohte.

  2. Beautiful polishes, can’t wait to see swatches of all of them :w00t: I have the Flormar Supershine 14 and it’s the most shimmery, the most beautiful purple polish I’ve ever seen!


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