Swatches: Essence – Sun Club waterproof eyeliners

If you follow me long enough, you are probably aware of how much I love Gosh Velvet Touch eyeliners. I have quite a lot of them and use them on a daily basis. There is such a nice variety of colors available, they are reasonable priced and they are long lasting. Love them! Unfortunately Gosh isn’t available in Slovenia anymore. And since I can’t get my hands on Gosh’s eyeliners anymore and my eyeliners are soon going to be oldies (which means I’ll have to throw them away), I’m in a search for a good replacement for them. Ever since I started this search I realised how many different eyeliners (in a pencil form) there is. Every brand has their own line of eyeliners (or shall I say eye pencils?). A lot of them begin with black and are dare enough to extend their line into brown spectrum and then it all stops. Maybe I’m exaggerating, but still. There’s really not a lot of brands (available in our drugstores) that offer let’s say twenty different shades of eye pencils. And if they come close to ten different shades, then there’s the quality issue or the price is not acceptable. I admit, my expectations are high.

I want my eye pencils to be soft but not too soft, the pigmentation has to be very good and they have to be long lasting (preferably waterproof). The price should be reasonable (up to 5€ would be perfect). And don’t forget the variety of colors.

Yes, you guessed right, I haven’t found one brand of eye pencils that would fulfill all my requirements (yet). I found some very good pencils scattered between different brands. But most of the brands have only three or six different shades in their line. And some shades aren’t as soft as the others etc.

And I almost forgot to mention, that a lot of brands doesn’t have testers for the eye pencils. I couldn’t believe it! And than they wonder why no one buys their products? Who would buy an eye pencil only because the colour is nice? I really don’t get it.

OK, enough with babbling. Here’s what am I going to do. I thought I’d show you some of my finds in my next few posts.

Today I have Sun Club waterproof eyeliners by Essence for you. There’s only three different shades available (black, brown and teal), but these are nice and very soft. Actually these are a bit too soft, but better a bit too soft than a bit too hard, right? Let me show you the swatches first.

Essence - Sun Club Waterproof Eyeliners: Blue lagoon, Lake shore, Dark water
Essence - Sun Club Waterproof Eyeliners: Blue lagoon, Lake shore, Dark water
Swatch: Essence - Sun Club Waterproof Eyeliners: Blue lagoon, Lake shore, Dark water
Essence - Sun Club Waterproof Eyeliners: Blue lagoon, Lake shore, Dark water
Essence - Sun Club Waterproof Eyeliners: Blue lagoon, Lake shore, Dark water
Essence - Sun Club Waterproof Eyeliners: Blue lagoon, Lake shore, Dark water

The colors are very nice. The texture is very soft. The brown and the black one have silver particles, but luckily the particles are fine and you can’t feel them on the skin. They are also good for the waterline.

Nice pencils indeed. I only wish there were more colors available. I don’t know why people at Essence decide to have as many different lines of eyepencils and some are not good at all. Here they have a very nice pencils. I hope they are going to extend the line in the future.

These are going to be discontinued soon and are now on sale for 0,99€. Grab them while you still can.

What are you favourite eye pencils and why?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

24 thoughts on “Swatches: Essence – Sun Club waterproof eyeliners”

  1. Baš mi se sviđaju ove olovke.. išla sam ih neki dan kupiti i nisam imala sreće.. uopće nije bilo tih sun club eyelinera.. nije mi jasno zašto u nekim našim dm-ovima i kozmo drogerijama neke proizvode uopće ne drže :undecided: :nervous:

  2. Tudi jaz prporočam Misslyn, ki so danes pri preizkušanje name res naredili dober vtis. (v lasti pa nimam nobenega, tako, da ne vem za obstojnost)
    Cena je nekaj pod 3 EUR.

    • Hvala tudi tebi za priporočilo. :rose:
      Vmes sem že zdrvela bo Mullerja in tri svinčnike kupila. :whistle: Dejansko delujejo obetavno. Upam, da bodo tudi na očeh fajn.

  3. jaz imam tudi nekaj takih svinčnikov, med drugim tudi vijolčnega. je pa že kako leto star in ga mogoče ne prodajajo več. so mi pa premehki za lepo črto na zgornji veki naredit in jih zato bolj malo uporabljam. moji najljubši so macovi, tisti “technakohl”, perfektni, ampak cena je pa :shock:

    • Jaz s svinčniki ne delam zgoraj črte. Za zgornjo črto uporabljam ali tekoča črtala ali črtala v gelu. Svinčnike uporabljam na waterline in za spodnjo črto.
      MACovih pa še nisem sprobala. Nekako mi je vedno škoda denarja za en svinčnik dati toliko. :blush:

  4. Jao, čim Essence začne s temi svojimi razprodajami, produktov zmanjka v sekundi :/ Drugače sem pa v Müllerju na Čopovi v Ljubljani opazila novo znamko – Misslyn. Cene imajo približno take kot Manhattan in videla sem, da imajo kar pestro ponudbo barv eyelinerjev. Ko sem jih preizkušala na roki, so se zdeli tudi zelo lepo mazljivi in ne premehki.

    Jaz trenutno na “waterline” uporabljam kar Essence Gel Eyeliner, ker se obdrži mnogo bolje, kot katerikoli eyeliner, ki sem ga do zdaj preizkusila, res je odličen. Pigmentiranost je tudi fantastična … Edini problem je, da nisem prepričana, če je pravzaprav primeren za uporabo na “waterlineu”. Mene zaenkrat ne iritira, uporabljam ga pa že nekaj mesecev.

    • Žal je to res. Morda pa se bo v DMjih še našlo kaj uporabne znižane robe. :wink:
      Hvala za info glede Misslyn. :rose: Zdaj moram pa nujno do Mullerja. A Catrice stojalo so prav tako že postavili?
      Gel linerje jih kar precej uporablja na waterline. Vsi pravijo, da so veliko bolj obstojni od navadnih svinčnikov. Sama še nisem preizkusila. Se kar malo bojim, da sem bom pičla v oko. A nanašaš s čopičem ali s svinčnikom pomočenim v gel liner?

      • Ja, bom kar dnevno obiskovala DM-e, če mogoče še kaj dobim :)

        Essence Gel Eyeliner pa nanašam s čopičem (ELF Studio Small Smudge Brush) – pač počasi in previdno. Čopič je pa ploščat, tako da eyeliner bolj “polagam” na waterline. In še nikoli si nisem poškodovala očesa ;) Res priporočam :)

        Ni zakaj za Misslyn ;) Se že veselim, kako boste to znamko pokomentirale na blogu ;) Catrice stojala na Čopovi žal še ni :S Še lake od Catrice imajo samo še v eni košari. Bo treba še počakati :)

  5. Jaz sem preskočila na tekoče eyelinerje. UK Beauty pearl. Zdajle sem si privoščila še zelenkota iz nove Essence LE kolekcije. Ta kremnega. In mislim, da imam več ali manj pokrite barve … Pearl črn sicer ni čisto črn, tako da moj ultimativen mat črn eyeliner ostaja ArtDeco eyeliner. Super je, globoka črna barva, zelo lepo mazljiv, ravno prav mehek, zelo obstojen, tega res priporočam. Pravzaprav sem nameravala it še po kakšno barvo, tako, za preizkus. Mislim, da stanejo okoli osem evrov, ampak nisem prepričana, zdržijo čisto predolgo da bi si zapomnila. :)

    • Tekoče eyelinerje jaz upobljam čisto drugače kot svinčnike. Tekoče in gel linerje uporabljam klasično na zgornji veki, medtem ko svinčnike praktično nikoli ne nanašam na zgornjo veko kot liner. Razlog je v tem, da s svinčnikom nikakor ne morem narediti lepe linije, kar me vedno jezi. Jaz svinčnike uporabljam pod očmi, spodnja veka. Zabrisane med trepalnice. In potem čez kakšno senčilo, da še bolj zablendam in s tem tudi fiksiram svinčnik. Aja, pa tudi na waterline jih uporabljam. ;)
      A za AD govoriš o tekočem EL ali svinčniku?
      Imam ADjev črni svinčnik in sem super zadovoljna z njim. V bistvu ima AD res super svinčniki, ki me izredno spominjajo na Gosh, a o tem bom pisala v enem od naslenjih prispevkov. ;) Cena je okrog 7€.

  6. Si pogledala v Iliriji Gosh, jst sem tam nazadnje vidla da imajo:) drugače pa uporabljam od Boujouris in sem kr zadovoljna:) je pa nekoliko dražji…drugače pa Barry M? Si že poskusila?

  7. These look lovely, I have to buy them before they’re gone! :drool:

    I hate when a lovely product is being discontinued, it’s so frustrating :angry: One of my favourites is Blackmania eye pencil from Essence which also won’t be available any more. My other favs are Pupa Multiplay (expensive but really soft, great for waterline) and Sephora flashy liners. Eye pencils in general are a makeup item I can’t resist so I’ve got lots of them :wub:

    • I’m with you … it’s frustrating when they discontinue lovely products.
      I have to check that Blackmania eye pencil you’re talking about.
      I have two or three Pupa Multiplays and yes, they are very nice!

      • Blackmania is a deep glossy black, very easy to blend. It’s not super long lasting but blended in the lashline looks gorgeous.

        I realised I didn’t mention another favourite: Yves Rocher Couleurs Nature Stylo Regard Waterproof. I have two of them: turquoise and teal and I absolutely love them. Soft, blendable, longlasting, waterproof. And it has a tiny sharpener at the end :-)


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