I started a little series of posts yesterday about eye pencils. If you’d like to read, why I started it, you are welcome to read my previous post. KLICK HERE
I’d like to thank you all who took the time and wrote great and very helpful comments. They mean a lot to me!
I’d like to explain one thing about eye pencils before I get to the Metallic eye pencils by Essence.
I know some (or a lot) of you use eye pencils as an eyeliner on the upper lid. I rarely do that. You wonder why? Well, because I can’t do a straight line with an eye pencil. As I line my upper eyelid, the lid wrinkles and I get a weird line. I just can’t do it. The line with an eye pencil is never precise enough for my taste. And if I do a “smudged line” look, I use eyeshadow instead of an eye pencil. It’s easier for me. On rare occasions, when I do use an eye pencil on my upper eyelid I smudge it and use an eyeshadow on top of it.
I prefer liquid and gel eyeliners over eye pencils (for upper lid).
Why do I use eye pencils?
I use them on the waterline and (my favourite) I use them to line my lower lash line. I apply eye pencil with short strokes or even dots near and even between the lower lashes. Smudge it onto the lash line and lastly apply an eyeshadow on top of it. That’s my preferred technique. I use it practically with all my make ups.
Moving on to the Metallic eye pencils by Essence. I’ve discovered them recently. I’ve always been disappointed by Essence eye pencils. Most of the time they were just to hard for my taste and I hate hard eye pencils. Another thing that bothers me is the lack of testers. I have hard time buying things if there’s no testers. I bought these mainly because I read some good reviews on them. Here are the swatches.

I’m very happy that I bought them. The consistency is nice and soft but not too soft (and not as soft as the Sun Club pencils). They glide on the skin nicely and the colos are nice. They aren’t smudge proof. They do not last very long on the waterline. The Lilectric shade contains carmine. When I applied it on the waterline, it irritated my eyes almost immediately.
Even if these have some flaws I still think these are good eye pencils especially for the price. I forgot the exact price, but I think these are around 2€. Please correct me, if I’m wrong.
My favourite shades are Green Day (it’s green – how could I not love it?!?) and Heavy Metal (it’s such a nice vivid shade!).
Have you tried these yet? What do you think of them?
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Thanks for all your comments ladies! :rose:
Hvala za komentarje! :rose:
Nisem jih še preizkusila, ker sem že davno opustila upanje na dober svinčnik od Essenca (so me zmeraj razočarali glede pigmentiranosti pa še oči so mi dražili). Sicer me nobena barva ne pritegne … sem se pa zaljubila v njihov kremni eyeliner iz Naventuriste, ta zelen. Fantasičen je. In zelo obstojen. Sem pa že po tvojem odgovoru v prejšnjem prispevku začela razmišljat, da je morda svinčnik za spodnjo veko moja rešitev. Spodaj namreč nikoli ne morem naresti lepe, tanke linije, razen s čopičem, pa še takrat hitro zamočim. S tekočim eyelinerjem pa moram prej kaj popravljati kot ne. Danes sem gledala tisto novo firmo v Mullerju in svinčniki sploh niso zgledali slabo. Morda si omislim kakšnega, čeprav sem september začela s kar konkretnim nakupom MUja. :blush: :hmm:
Vsekakor priporočam, da preizkusiš svinčnik na spodnji veki. ;) Na spodnji veki tako ne želiš ostre črte (vsaj v večini primerov), ampak zabrisano. Tudi s svinčnikom se ne rabiš truditi in vleči ravne črte. Ti kar kratke črtice ali pikice delaj in potem s čopičem zabriši in poveži. ;)
Ta novi liner od Essence je res prekrasen! :wub:
Točno to, linija je potem čisto preostra in me tudi to zmoti, zgleda hecno. Po tvojem tutorialu bom pa sploh z veseljem nabrala par svinčnikov in se šla igrat. :yes:
Great colors!!
I have lilectric ^^
Imam belega, zlatega in vijoličnega. Slej kot prej si bom pa kupila še preostale odtenke. Očitno so mi všeč. :biggrin:
imam par essenceovih olovaka i sasvim sam zadovoljna njima, dovoljno mekane a ne premekane, izbor boja je ok… ma ja rado koristim olovke, naročito za dnevne lookove, naročito ljeti kad mi se ne da trackati po licu :thumb:
the colours look really good :D
Se popolnoma strinjam z uporabo svinčnikov, jaz jih nikoli ne uporabljam kot liner, temveč tako kot ti na spodnji liniji in/ali v waterline.. Drugače pa, barve so luštne ampak so me tisti iz Sun Club mnogo bolj navdušili :happy:
Iz te linije imam Green Day (barva mi je prekrasna) drugače pa imam od Essence še par iz linije Long Lastnig, nekaj imam ArtDecovih ter enega Jumbo od Sephore. Največkrat uporabljam Essence in sem z njimi zadovoljna. Nekaj časa sem uporabljala tudi Collistar svinčnik pa mi je predrag da bi ga redno kupovala.
Nikoli ne nanašam ničesar na waterline ker mi skoraj vse draži oči pa zaradi oblike oči se mi takoj zbriše.
I have Lilectric and it’s exactly the same colour as Lilac Forever from Crazy About Colour LE however Lilectric is a bit softer. Green Day is so pretty, I ‘ll put it on my wishlist :-)
I only have the Lilectric color (and I love it, it looks very nice <3). I don't remember exactly price (around 2€~) but I think that relationship quality-price is good :) The other colors are beautiful too (specially Green Day & Iron Godness :D).
Kisses ^^!