Review and swatches: Alessandro Born To Be Wild LE

I received two Alessandro Born To Be Wild minis at the same time I got the news that I had exam in few days. I guess I don’t have to tell you that I dropped everything and studied, studied, studied … Keep your fingers crossed that I passed.

It was really relaxing to put my mind in off position and play with Alessandro Sweet Poison and Wild Angel.

Alessandro Born To Be Wild LE parokeets
Alessandro Born To Be Wild LE

Alessandro Sweet Poison is unfortunately not as greenish as it looked like in promo photos. It is darker blue shade on the grayish side with slightly green undertone. What I absolutely loved about this polish is its easy to apply one coater formula.
I used two coats + top coat.

Alessandro Born To Be Wild LE - Sweet Poison swatch
Alessandro Born To Be Wild LE - Sweet Poison

This shade reminded me of Stone Washed shade from Denim Wanted LE. Even though they’re not dupes, they are close relatives. But my camera simply ignores different hues of blue polishes, so swatch comparison  is pointless when I don’t have an hour to correct the photo with photo editing software. Sweet Poison is lighter shade and has greenish undertone. Maybe you can spot the difference in bottle comparison photos (good imagination recommended). I simply love the fact that new Alessandro minis now have the same bottles as their bigger siblings.

Comparison: Alessandro Sweet Poison vs. Stone Washed
Comparison: Alessandro Sweet Poison vs. Stone Washed

Alessandro Wild Angel has beige base and lots of yellowish green tiny flakies (with few copper ones thrown in the mix). It can be used by itself, but you’ll need 3 coats to make it look like this …

Alessandro Born To Be Wild LE - Wild Angel swatch (shade)
Alessandro Born To Be Wild LE - Wild Angel (shade)
Alessandro Born To Be Wild LE - Wild Angel swatch by Parokeets
Alessandro Born To Be Wild LE - Wild Angel (lightbox)

But look at the flakies.

Alessandro Born To Be Wild LE - Wild Angel detail
Alessandro Born To Be Wild LE - Wild Angel detail

I prefer this polish layered over more opaque base. I experimented a little bit and used as a base: Sunshine Reggae, Spacey Grey and Sweet Poison.

Alessandro Wild Angel over Sunshine Reggae, Spacey Grey and Sweet Poison
Alessandro Wild Angel over Sunshine Reggae, Spacey Grey and Sweet Poison

I like the combos with lighter polishes more, as I find Wild Angel still to opaque to layer over the darker colors.

Price: 4,95 EUR (7 USD) for 5ml (0,18 fl.oz.).

Do you have any of the other shades from Alessandro Born To Be Wild LE? Are there more one coaters hiding in there?

*Polishes were sent to me for review purposes.

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

21 thoughts on “Review and swatches: Alessandro Born To Be Wild LE”

  1. Sem jih že trikrat pregledala, če bi mi kateri odtenek zlezel pod kožo, pa mi niso všeč, preveč običajni so mi. Vsaj za njihovo ceno. Ampak držim pesti za izpit!!

  2. Točno ta dva sem kupila že precej časa nazaj, a sem preizkusila do sedaj samo modrega. Lahko poročam, da je superca za pedikuro. ;)
    Kombinacija krpičastega in rumenega je perfektna!!! :wub:


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