Preview: Alessandro Born To Be Wild and Go Magic! Moon Manicure LE

New goodies from Alessandro. Look at the drool for Born To be Wild collection.

Preview: Alessandro Born To Be Wild
Preview: Alessandro Born To Be Wild

What I like most in this collection of 10 minis (4 shades will also be available in standard 10ml bottles) is that they covered a very wide range of fall colors. From greenish browns, dark red, berry to teal shade.

Preview: Alessandro Born To Be Wild 01
Preview: Alessandro Born To Be Wild - Rosy Wind, Red Explosion, Rock It!, Dark Temptation
Preview: Alessandro Born To Be Wild 02
Preview: Alessandro Born To Be Wild -Wild Love, Intoxication, Highway 2 Hell, Bad Romance
Preview: Alessandro Born To Be Wild 03
Preview: Alessandro Born To Be Wild - Sweet Poison, Wild Angel

Sweet Poison is definitively my favorite, but I would choose at least half of this collection faster than you can day nail polish.
And look – they shrunk original Alessandro bottles!

Alessandro Go Magic! Moon Manicure LE is something brand new in nail polish sphere. You get one color polish, stencils and one activating polish. Depending on which stencil you use, you can get instant half moon, bubbles or stripes in different color than base polish.

Preview: Alessandro Moon Manicure
Preview: Alessandro Moon Manicure

There are 4 color combos available: Gold-Orange, Red-Dark Red, Silver-Blue, Silver-Red.

What would you pick from new limited editions if you had money for only one thing?

*photos used in collages are courtesy of Alessandro

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

16 thoughts on “Preview: Alessandro Born To Be Wild and Go Magic! Moon Manicure LE”

    • Nisem ziher, če Moon kompleti niso že v prodaji (zaradi vročine nisem bila že nekaj časa v centru, tako da sem malo out). Born To Be Wild pa tudi predvidevam, da bo hitro prišla na police.
      Cena za minije je ponavadi okoli 5 EUR, za Moon komplet pa mislim da ~17 EUR.

      • To morem ma potem skočiti pogledat…:) ja enako, prevroče res.
        OJOJ kok drago 17:/ boš kupila pa naredila review? Bi rada bi vidla kako bo kdo zadovoljen, da potem kupm če se splača…si sploh ne znam predstavljat kako zadeva poteka …:)

    • Na Rudniku je že oboje, za minije ne vem cene, tele Moon Manicure so pa 15 evrov. Me je zamikal poskusit, ampak 15 evrov je prehuda za moj žep.

      • Se strinjam, sem pa včeraj malo pogooglala in videla pri eni rezultat te moon manikurce zgoraj in nevem ali so njej tako grdo te lunce ratale ali pa res ni tako kot obljubljajo…


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