Catrice stands are still not available in our capital, so I consoled myself with few new Essence nail polishes.
The shade that immediately ought my eye was Essence In Style. It looks like blue-green-purple duochrome in the bottle, but purple pretty much vanished when I applied it onto the nails. But it’s still pretty color. Brush strokes are a little bit annoying, but I can live with them as they’re not that visible. I used 2 coats + top coat.
![Essence In Style Essence In Style nail polish swatch](
The other nail polish that I bough is Crack Me! Silver. I used normal layers and got subtle cracks. I tried applying only thin layer on one finger (not shown in the photo), but didn’t really like the effect – cracks were more chunky, but tended to appear mostly in vertical line. I’ll stick with the subtle crackle finish. This shade is not very photogenic – imagine cracked foil finish with a nice shine to it.
![Essence: In Style + Crack Me! Silver Essence: In Style + Crack Me! Silver swatch by Parokeets](
I didn’t buy lots of new Essence polishes as I’m saving myself for trend editions and Catrice polishes. Are there any of the new shades that are absolutely most have? So I know what to check out next time I’m in the store. :D
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
I’m in love with In Style, what a gorgeous color!
In Style is so pretty, have to have it :wub:
Catrice had just launched some pretty new shades of nail polishes, so it’s good you’re saving money :wink:
Ooops, “has just launched”, sorry :blush:
I’m stalking your and other blogs with new Catrice shades and my WL is just longer and longer and longer … :biggrin:
v celju so pa že dolgo catrice stojala. pomoje že dlje kot dva tedna.
Prekmurke so jih dobile že konec avgusta, me pa še kar ne :cry:
super kombinacija, pokusavam se uvjerit da mi ne treba ni srebrni ni plavi crackle, ali nisam sigurna da necu popustit :haha:
Ja se nisem mogla uvijeriti. :sorry:
In Style is really nice! I have to have it :silly:
New Catrice nail polishes are gorgeous. I bought golden 650 Goldfinger, sparkling red 550 Marilyn & Me and steel green 680 Khaki Perry (I’ll post it tomorrow). I love these :wub:
I need all 3. :sigh: :biggrin:
:thumb: :thumb: love the combination :thumb:
I want all European brands here!
I see I need more swaps with ladies from Brazil. Love your new goodies. :drool:
Za zelenega nisem čisto prepričana ampak silver crackle mi je močno všeč :yes:
Nisem še videla novih odtenkov v živo, tako da ti ne morem svetovati :undecided:
Bo treba družno nad novo stojalo. :biggrin:
Gejba, v zadnjem času so mi všeč čisto vsi laki, ki jih predstaviš. :wub:
A sva na isti valovni dolžini? :silly: :rose:
If you look at my blog, you will see that I adore Essence nail polishes, and I recommend you to try Choose Me and Date With The Night if you have not tried them already ;) I don’t like crackle effect that much, but In Style is beautiful :)
I have the old Choose Me. Is there a new version out there too? I don’t have Date With The Night – will check it out. :rose:
Jako je lijep. I crackle je super, jedino šteta što pukotine nisu malo šire. ali dobro. :)
Treba ga je stvarno tanko nanijeti za šire pukotine … i meni ne izgleda baš lijepo. :sigh:
wow, taj essence lak je zaista divota! a ai srebrni crackle je zasjao na ovoj fotki!
Uh – znači, da ni je swatch crackla potpuno bez života. :fju: :w00t:
Tale še čaka, da pride na vrsto. Hm, takole po swatcih sodeč mi je bolj všeč v steklenički. :/ Upam, da bo popravil vtis na nohtih. Sicer pa se mi zdi resen must-have oranžko Be Optimistic! Taka super jesenska oranžna barva je. :yes:
Dodan na seznam. Že vidim, da bom naslednjič dolgo časa v Mullerju … mogoče se celo res srečava pri Isadorinem stojalu. :biggrin:
time for romance,make it gold, hard to resist, blue addicted in be optimistic so po moje must havi :) sicer imam le prvega,a so tudi ostali zelo lepi :)
crackla imam tudi sama in me je prijetno presenetil <3 zgleda tekoč,a razpoka zelo lepo.
Na prvi pogled so pri tebi bleščice na tapeti. :nails:
Predivoooooooo! Moram kupiti!!! :yes:
Oba? :silly:
you make me wanna buy silver crack polish :D
Go for it. :biggrin:
lijep je lakić, čini mi se da in style kolekcija nije ni došla do nas :smell:
iskreno, voljela bih da su ove pukotine malo šire :ermm:
Niste još dobili novih lakova? Kod nas polako dolaze i u DM.
Oh wow! Looks very nice :)
:yes: :wub: