Mix of the day: Favourite facial care products, nail & body care products, NOTD and random photos

Today I’d like to show you what I’m loving and doing these days.

I’m spending some “me&my books time” in Croatia on an island called Pag. It’s beautiful here. It’s off season and there’s really not a lot of people here and I love it! The weather is amazing. It’s sunny and warm (almost hot during the day). The water is nice. It’s not warm but I go swimming almost everyday. And here is my mix of the day. Enjoy the photos.

That’s what I’m having in front of my eyes almost the entire day. During the day …

Mix of the day - 2011 09 30: The Office
Mix of the day - 2011 09 30: The Office

In the evening …

Mix of the day - 2011 09 30: The Office
Mix of the day - 2011 09 30: The Office

I didn’t bring much make up with me as I don’t need much here, but I do need some facial, body and nail care products.

Some of my favourite facial, nail and body care products

As you can see from the photo below, I have a lot of Sophyto products for my face and I love them. I’ve been using their products for quite some time now and I’m telling you. These products are amazing! They make my skin feel very soft. The skin looks much more radiant and younger when I’m using their products.

I like the Depend nail care products – Myrrh Oil and Cuticle Cream.

Eucerin SPF30 Sun Fluid (and SPF50 – not shown in the photo) for my face is my favourite SPF cream for my face.

I love using oils for my body and the Terra Naturi body oil is a very nice one. It smells like lemons with honey or something like that. No almond smell.

Mix of the day - 2011 09 30: Facial, Nail & Body Care Products
Mix of the day - 2011 09 30: Facial, Nail & Body Care Products

More facial care products.

AOK exfoliating product and a clay mask all in one. There’s clay mixed with some other things in the bag. You have to mix it with water. I love this product. It makes my skin very soft. I’ve been repurchasing it for years now.

Alverde eye cream.

La Roche Posay Physiological Micellar Solution is a great facial toner and cleanser. It doesn’t dry my face.

Mix of the day - 2011 09 30: Facial Care Products
Mix of the day - 2011 09 30: Facial Care Products

What’s in my make up bag?

Bourjois Healthy Mix Serum in 52 Vanilla. It’s a bit too light for me at the moment. I mix it with the Isa Dora Sun Protecting Gel Bronzer in 60 Soft Tan, which is a bit too dark for me. The combination of both products gives light coverage. I quite like the effect.

Misslyn concealer in shade 10. Very nice concealer with good coverage and it’s still light enough so I can use it as an under eye concealer as well.

Sleek Face Contour Kit in Light. Great product. Love it!

NYX Nude On Nude Natural Look Kit make up palette. I love this palette because it’s small and it contains everything you need for a light everyday look, but you can also create a nice brown smokey eyes with it. There’s also two lip shades in the bottom compartment. Very nice make up palette!

Some of my must have brushes: Everyday Minerals flat top brush (for foundation), Sephora Classic Angled Blush Brush #40 (for blush, bronzer, contouring), Gosh eyeshadow and round crease brush.

Black and brown eye pencil (Art Deco and Essence Sun Club).

Mix of the day - 2011 09 30: Make up Bag
Mix of the day - 2011 09 30: Make up Bag
Mix of the day - 2011 09 30: Make Up Bag
Mix of the day - 2011 09 30: Make Up Bag

Nail related stuff

Mix of the day - 2011 09 30: Nail Care Products
Mix of the day - 2011 09 30: Nail Care Products

NOTD 1: Essie – Soiree Mauve. Lovely color. Easy application. Two coats in the photo.

Mix of the day - 2011 09 30: Essie - Soiree Mauve (2 coats)
Mix of the day - 2011 09 30: Essie - Soiree Mauve (2 coats)

NOTD 2: Essie – Coat Azure. Very nice blue with tiny silver shimmer. Very easy application. Two coats.

Essie - Coat Azure (2 coats)
Essie - Coat Azure (2 coats)
Essie - Coat Azure (2 coats)
Essie - Coat Azure (2 coats)

And some random photos …

The other day I went for a long walk (8km). And while walking I spotted this little bird.

Mix of the day - 2011 09 30
Mix of the day - 2011 09 30

My Shape-Ups. These are super comfortable. I love the colors.

Mix of the day - 2011 09 30: Skechers Shape-Ups
Mix of the day - 2011 09 30: Skechers Shape-Ups

After a long walk I treat myself with a Nupo Cocoa Shake.

Mix of the day - 2011 09 30: Nupo Cocoa Shake
Mix of the day - 2011 09 30: Nupo Cocoa Shake

After such a long post I leave you with these two photos …

Mix of the day - 2011 09 30: The View
Mix of the day - 2011 09 30: The View
Mix of the day - 2011 09 30: Fishing Boat
Mix of the day - 2011 09 30: Fishing Boat

Thanks for taking the time to read my super long post.
If you have a minute of your time left, write in the comments what is your mix of the day?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

7 thoughts on “Mix of the day: Favourite facial care products, nail & body care products, NOTD and random photos”

  1. Morje in poletne temperature. :wub:
    Za poročat pa nimam prav veliko, razen da me je sonce v gorah spet pretentalo, tako da imam naravno zelo rdeča lička. :silly:

  2. can you write a review for Eucerine SPF50 sun fluid?? I’m thinking about buying it… is it think and greasy or light? can you put foundation over it?

  3. Ooooh, na morju si! Kako lepo, jaz bi bila tudi! Obožujem morje, letos pa sem ga videla izredno malo. :/ O, Sophyto! Zelo me mika sprobat kaj njihovega, kakšno antioksidativno bombo, serumček ali kaj podobnega … Potem praviš, da se obnese? Morda bi se res že morala končno spravit k nakupu.
    Moj današnji miks sestoji predvsem iz cefranja živcev. Čakam na novico s faksa, kako bo z mojim vpisom v višji letnik. Tako da sem zelo napeta in razdražljiva cel dan, bogi moji domači. :blush: Imam pa super lak na nohtih, novi China Glaze It’s Alive, noro dober bleščičko, tebi bi bil zagotovo zelo všeč. Pa samo dva sloja rabi in to na mojih krempljih! Tako da me pogled na nohte malce potolaži. :wink: Sicer pa mi zmanjkuje kreme za obraz, si zame zelo pripravno omenila Sophyto, ravno razmišljam, kaj bi si novega kupila. Balein serum mi bo zdajle, ko se shladi, premalo, že zdaj me malce veže koža na obrazu.
    Nupo je pa v načrtu za nakup v bližnji prihodnosti, mi bo pomagal hujšati. Sicer cele kure ne bom vzela, ker se mi zdi zelo drag, večino njihovih načel pa sem že pobrala pri mami, tako da bo samo kot dopolnilo. Upam, da mi uspe, faks mi kar pridno lepi špeh na trebuh. :ermm:

    Ti pa uživaj še zame na Pagu! :ahug:

    • Ja, na morju sem. Sicer tudi jaz morja nisem videla od maja, ko sem bila v Miamiju.
      Sophyto: Najprej bi napisala, da trenutno sumim, da mi multivitaminski serum povzroča mozoljčke. Ostale reči so super. Trenutno … če bi morala izbrati svoja najljubša Sophyto izdelka, bi rekla Antioksidantni serum in Exfoliating Treatment. Antioksidantni serum je krasen. Ne vem, ali bi ti bil dovolj sam zase. Odvisno kakšno kožo imaš. Zadeva je praktično tekočina. Skoraj kot tonik. Vseeno pa dela pri meni čudeže na koži. Exfoliating Treatment pa je super nežen, a vseeno učinkovit piling.
      Ti izdelki na meni res naredijo skoraj čudež. Res pa je, da je moja koža že malenkost starejša in se že poznajo znaki staranja, gubice in na sploh … ni več tako sijoča. S temi izdelki pa se mi spet marsikaj tega vrne.
      FUL DRŽIM PESTI in UPAM, da se je uredilo s faksom!!! :ahug:
      Ni ga boljšega laka, kot It’s Alive za takšen dan. Tale lak je :drop: :drool: Enostavno se MORAM dokopati do njega!!!
      Ohja faks špehec :sigh: Jaz zadnje čase (leto ali celo dve) čisto preveč sedim za compom ali knjigami in me bo to pokopalo. Moram spremeniti to in začeti migati.
      Dogovorjeno danes in jutri uživam zate na morčiju. ;)

      • Hehe, hvala, upam, da je bil lep dan! :rose:

        Ja, sem razmišljala o antioksidativnem serumu, če je tako tekoč, bi ga morebiti uporabljala namesto tonika. Rada bi čimprej začela dovajati koži antioksidante, da tako da vsaj malo raztegnem dvajseta na koži. :wink: Cenovno niso najbolj prijazni izdelki, ampak sem ugotovila, da se za kakšne stvari enostavno splača dati malce več. :yes:
        Hvala da držiš pesti zame! :ahug: Pomoje zvem v ponedeljek kako in kaj, ma, sem že čisto utrujena od vseh živcev, pomoje bo šel tudi izpit k vragu, ki ga imam v sredo, zaradi pomanjkanja koncentracije. :nervous: Bo že!
        Danes pa sem se spomnila nate med lakiranjem, imam Essie na nohtih. :nails: Super sivko, Power Clutch. :yes:

        Kar se tiče miganja, se pa jaz k sreči zdaj kar spravim, tečem in plešem. Samo kaj, ko še zmeraj pojem veliko veliko preveč. Sploh sladkarij. :blush:


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