Preview: Catrice Big City Life LE

Can I scream? Can I, can I, can I, can I?  Catrice is coming out with 4 palettes and corresponding polish. Theme? Four big cities – Sydney, Berlin, London, New York.

Sydney, Berlin, London, New York – each metropolis stands out for its own personal charm and style. Trends are born on the streets of these fabulous cities! This passion for life has been interpreted four times – and captured in the most breathtaking make-up palettes of the season: the Limited Edition “Big City Life” by CATRICE gives every city its own look. So when the big city calls, we can experience it and capture its style from October to November 2011.

Each make-up palette contains six powder eye shadows, two blushes, duo-applicator and mini eye pencil.

SYDNEY collection inspiration: beach, parties, surfers, culture …
Colors: the six eye shadows in rosé, nude, taupe and brown shades with shimmering as well as matt effects meet upon two natural rouge versions in rosewood.
Corresponding polish: taupe.

Preview: Catrice Big City Life LE Sydney by Parokeets
Preview: Catrice Big City Life LE Sydney

BERLIN collection inspiration: capital with unique history, dances, rhythm …
Colors: the six eyeshadow colors come in warm sand, brown, grey-blue and taupe shades – some with shimmering, others with matt effects.
Corresponding polish: muted pink.

Preview: Catrice Big City Life LE Berlin by Parokeets
Preview: Catrice Big City Life LE Berlin

NEW YORK collection inspiration: city that never sleeps, neon signs … place where dreams are sure to come true.
Colors: six eyeshadows in blue, smokey turquoise and mauve and two lively rouge shades.
Corresponding polish: pigeon-blue.

Preview: Catrice Big City Life LE New York by Parokeets
Preview: Catrice Big City Life LE New York

LONDON collection inspiration: fashion icon, irresistible hotspot …
Colors: London Collection goes for blue eyes in stark contrast to bright yellow and deep-black kajal. Two rouge shades in rosé.
Corresponding polish: soft yellow.

Preview: Catrice Big City Life LE London by Parokeets
Preview: Catrice Big City Life LE London

Price for palette will be around 8 EUR … so I’m guessing that these palettes won’t be mini ones.

Now if Essence came out with this collection, I would be excited but not ecstatic. Essence rarely has eyeshadow that I love, but Catrice is completely different story. Good thing that my birthday is in October.

*photos collages are made from are property of Catrice

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

35 thoughts on “Preview: Catrice Big City Life LE”

  1. looks great :)
    i really am curious to see the size of the palettes :)
    i love the ‘london’ one :)
    and btw, a big thank you for following my blog :)
    i dont know if you saw my thank you on my blog so i’ll just thank you here :)
    means a lot to me!

  2. Jaz tudi že komaj čakam da pride Catrice k nam ampak mislim da vam bom vse paletke pustila :wink:
    Mene nikoli ne pritegnejo tele mešanice, veliko raje si kupim enojne senčke, ker mi v kompletih večinoma polovica odtenkov ni všeč, so mi pa nasprotno skoraj vsi laki bajni :wub: (A je mogoče pri London kolekciji napaka, ker na slikici izgleda lak rumen in ne moder? Meni bi sicer moder bil veliko bolj všeč :yes: ).

    • Prav imaš – sem že popravila tekst. :rose:
      Jaz tudi nisem nek hud ljubitelj teh predpripravljenih palet, ampak tele so mi pa segle v srce. :blush:

  3. Drugače sem zelo ravnodušna do stisnjenih senčk, a te paletke izgledajo zelo obetavno! :w00t:
    Poleg tega se mi tudi cena ne zdi huda, če bodo malo večje.. Se samo meni zdi, da smo v zadnjem času dobili ogromno dobrot za ličenje tudi k nam? Zdi se mi, da je tudi naročanja lakov iz tujine vedno manj, ko pa nam zdaj ponuja ne le Essence, temveč tudi Catrice svoje omejene izdaje :party:

  4. ooooooooooo hudo New York in Sydney to moram dobiti!!!! Tudi jaz upam, da bodo nabavli dovolj robe, da bo saka dobila kar želi :w00t: :w00t: :w00t:

    Gejba s temle postom si mi ful polepšala nedeljski večer. Komaj čakam, da pridejo toti izdelki na police. Potem pa se začne lov :nervous: :nervous: :nervous:

  5. These palettes look awesome but I wish they didn’t include blush.
    Super mi izgledaju ove palete no voljela bih na nemaju rumenila već da su isključivo sjenila :sorry:

  6. Ok, resno, zdaj pa dost heca. :angry: PREVEČ je dobrih LE za tole obdobje!! :drool: :drop: In potem še nov sortiment in super kolekcije za jesen ameriških znamk … :stars: Jah, nič, bo treba zapravljat. :wink: :whistle: Tu me mika New York in to paletka in lak. *sigh*

  7. Sydney, NewYork :wub: .
    Upam, samo da bodo dali dosti robe tako da boomo vsi prišli do teh stvari – ponavadi prav žalostno stojim pred praznimi stojali :ermm:

  8. uf nadam se da ce se lakovi moc kupit odvojeno od paleta, jer znam da necu imat novaca za sve pokupovat, ali gledat cu kupit london i newyork i lak od berlina i new yorka :sigh:

  9. Tudi meni so se začele slediti sline, ko sem videla te fotke. Prekrasno. Dejansko so mi vse 4 palete všeč. Mislim, da bo tole stojalo zelo hitro izropano, ko pride k nam. :yes:


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