As you know, I bought 13 (or was it 14) KIKO nail polishes. Some of them I already swatched and they’re waiting for their turn to be published.
I loved KIKO Verde Scuro (no. 347) polish and it seemed like perfect base for stamping. I really suck at free hand nail art and had nothing else at home to do half moon manicure with, so I used one of the image from XL B stamping plate. Of course nothing goes as planed when I start doing my konadicure (I get easily bored) so I played around with colors, accent manicure … I stamped with China Glaze Sci-Fi and Metallic Muse nail polishes.
Here is the final look.

What do you think? Like or dislike?
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Tale struktura je ravno prav nenavadna da je nekaj posebnega in barve niso preveč kričeče zato je meni zelo všeč, lunica je pa še dodatna pika na i :yes:
Rezultat je super in ni za v smeti :wink:
Nice combo! :thumb:
i like it :)
really love the color combination as well!
It looks great. Beautiful model.
luštkan vzorček s platke, half moon mi tudi sicer ni bil nikoli všeč. Gejba, to si na en vzorček nanesla dva različna odtenka ChG? ful je lepo izpadlo. :yes:
Jaz se tudi izogibam lunicam, tokrat sem pa morala preizkusiti zadevo. :biggrin:
Jope – na plato sem nanesla 2 ChG odtenka, potem pa menjala vrstni red.
se mi je zdelo, res je lepo :wub:
Amazingly pretty!!
Absolutely charming!!!!
:stars: všeč mi je čeprav meni tale halfmoon zadeva nikakor ne potegne čisto…
Jaz vedno hočem zapolniti manjkajoči del. :biggrin:
OMG this mani looks amazing .. LOVE
Thx. :rose:
that design looks awesome ;D
Glad you like it. :nails:
like, sviđa mi se ova kombinacija :thumb:
i 14 kiko lakova kažeš čekaju… ajmeeee :stars:
KIKO je bio jedan od mojih augustovskih haula … OK, bila su dva. :blush:
Mislim da sam 3 ili 4 več swatchala, tako da ih polako mogu objaviti. :nails:
Of course ‘like’!!! :D I love this china glaze polish
They’re my “to go to” polishes for stamping. :yes:
Thx. :blush:
I like this..its pretty!