Review and swatches: Essence NATventURista TE

I know, I know – I’m the slowest swatcher alive. Parokeets ladies were really lucky last week. I managed to see full Urban Messages stand and Maestra got to see Essence NATventURista TE … and she kindly bought me all the polishes.

I was really looking forward to NATventURista collection in soft and natural tones. If I wasn’t saving for other Catrice and Essence goodies I would buy both eyeliners too, but as situation it as it is I chose only nail polishes.

Essence NATventURista nail polishes

Essence Barefoot Through The Moss is one of the most wearable nail polishes I have ever seen. Gray-green base with lots of silverish shimmer that turns multicolored in the sun. 2 thicker coats were enough for full coverage. As usually I added top coat.

Essence NATventURista TE - Barefoot Through The Moss swatch
Essence NATventURista TE - Barefoot Through The Moss

Essence Mother Earth Is Watching You is another subtle but pretty shade. Color? Brownish base with silver shimmer. More light you have, cooler brown you see as shimmer comes to the front.
2 coats + top coat.

Essence NATventURista TE - Mother Earth Is Watching You swatch
Essence NATventURista TE - Mother Earth Is Watching You

Essence Chirp,Chirp! is the shade I either love or hate on me … it all depends on the lighting. They packed lots of duochrome shimmer dust in very light beige base. In all the situations except in the sun, shimmer has lovely purple color. But the moment the sun shines directly on it, shimmer turns yellow-green … and I’m apparently not beige-green combo gal. You can still see visible nail line after 2 thicker coats, but look is fresh and clean so VNL did not bother me. You do not want to know how many hours went into photographing this shade.

Essence NATventURista TE - Chirp, Chirp! swatch
Essence NATventURista TE - Chirp, Chirp!

Essence You’re MY Dragonfly, Sugar! needed 3 coats to look tasteful on me. You can still see visible nail line, but it is not very pronounced. Color is nothing special really – nude toned peachy shade, but it makes my hands look very pretty. Tiny glitter (glass flakes?) makes this polish look sort of dewy … most of the time anyway.

Essence NATventURista TE - You're My Dragonfly, Sugar! swatch
Essence NATventURista TE - You're My Dragonfly, Sugar!

Price: 1,79 EUR (2.5 USD) for 8ml (0.27 fl.oz.).

I don’t really have a favorite from NATventURista trend edition. I would be sad if I missed any of four shades.
Which shade do you find most useful and would wear the most?

UPDATE: Video of shimmer in Essence NATventURista TE nail polishes.

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

39 thoughts on “Review and swatches: Essence NATventURista TE”

  1. i thought i would really love this collection, but for some reason i don’t… i’m just not a fan of these colors on my (well except for the green one, love that one!)

  2. o ja…meni je cela kolekcija ču-do-vi-ta!! poleg vseh 4 lakcev so šli z mano domov še oba gel linerja, blush, zelena in marelična senčka ter celo zapestnica!! vse pridno uporabljam in je zelo “nosljivo” :)

  3. Chirp,Chirp! bi kupila, če bi ga našla na stojalu. Moram malo okrog pogledat na Essence stojala. Trenutno sem bolj v testiranju Misslyn izdelkov (ene par mi jih je zelo všeč).

      • Korektor za podočnjake mi zelo ustreza. Obe vrsti glosov sta obetavni – Color glos je pigmentiran, vlažilen, solidno obstojen – takoj pri nanosu sicer izgleda kot da se malce usede na gubice na (ne okrog) ustnicah vendar se po kakšnih 10 min lepo porazporedi (pa če vzamete nežne barve se tudi na začetku to ne opazi). Prosojni glos je prav tako vlažilen, daje pa samo hint barve in lepo poudari ustnice. Stvar, ki me je pa razočarala so pa šminke – vazelinate in pigmentirane, na sredini ustnic hitro zbledijo, razlezle so se mi okoli ustnic. V bistvu je edina dobra stvar šmink to da so vlažilne vse ostalo mi niti najmanj ne ustreza…Svinčnike za oči pa še testiram…

  4. Sem čakala kdaj jih boste dobile in pokazale vse odtenke, jaz sem si vmes že kupila rjavkastega s srebrnim šimrom in je ČUDOVIT!!! Zdaj pa vidim, da tudi zelenega potrebujem čeprav ne maram te barve in nimam še nobenega zelenkota v zbirki, resno tale odtenek je SUPER!!!! :stars:

  5. Oh, you already got the polishes from the Natventurista LE; I’m badly waiting for the stuff.
    They all look great; thank you for the wonderful swatches.


  6. Ah, these are so gorgeous! >.< I'm envious, they didn't bring this collection into Hungary… :( Barefoot Through the Moss and Mother Earth is Watching You would be must-haves though :(

    • I don’t have Gemma, but have seen Maestra’s. I think Gemma is more yellow based while Moss is gray based, so they’re not that similar + Gemma has bluish shimmer.

  7. Mother Earth Is Watching You in Barefoot Through The Moss st mi ful všeč :wub:
    Pri nas stojala sploh še ni, in upam da ga ne bom zamudila :nervous:


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