Theatre Of The Nameless inspired (part 1)

I’ll just start with a confession…

I adore Alex Box & Illamasqua!

Do you wonder why?
Alex Box is a true artist. I love everything she does and I respect her work and if’d have an idol, she would be it.

is a brand with soul and that’s what makes it so special in my opinion! I love their collections. Not only for their products, but mainly because of the story each of their collections tells. They make a whole world around their collections. It’s like theatre. The characters are mysterious and I like that a lot. It’s an art. I’m always inspired by their work. And just by looking at their promo images I get a desire to create something complex myself.

There’s thousands of recreations of the Theatre Of The Nameless characters and a few of the recreations are amazing. Well, I don’t like to recreate things. I prefer making my own version. And that’s what I did here. I took bits and pieces (from the promo images) and created what I call a “future clown”. :D

Why future clown?
My boyfriend said that the look reminds him of a weird doll. He might be true, but when I looked in the mirror I felt like a grotesque clown from the future. And it fits because I feel that our future is going to be grotesque and ugly. Hopefully my “prediction” is wrong …

Artistic make up look: Illamasqua - Theatre Of The Nameless inspired: Future Clown by Maestra
Illamasqua - Theatre Of The Nameless inspired: Future Clown by Maestra
Artistic make up look: Illamasqua - Theatre Of The Nameless inspired: Future Clown by Maestra
Illamasqua - Theatre Of The Nameless inspired: Future Clown by Maestra
Artistic make up look: Illamasqua - Theatre Of The Nameless inspired: Future Clown by Maestra
Illamasqua - Theatre Of The Nameless inspired: Future Clown by Maestra
Artistic make up look: Illamasqua - Theatre Of The Nameless inspired: Future Clown by Maestra
Illamasqua - Theatre Of The Nameless inspired: Future Clown by Maestra
Artistic make up look: Illamasqua - Theatre Of The Nameless inspired: Future Clown by Maestra
Illamasqua - Theatre Of The Nameless inspired: Future Clown by Maestra
Artistic make up look: Illamasqua - Theatre Of The Nameless inspired: Future Clown by Maestra
Illamasqua - Theatre Of The Nameless inspired: Future Clown by Maestra

If I’m honest I don’t like the outcome. It looked a bit better IRL, but it didn’t photograph well. Obviously clowns in the future hate cameras. I’m also very disappointed by Catrice – Pore Refiner, which make my skin looks older and doesn’t hide my pores at all. I am also not satisfied with my late make up looks (editorial stuff), because I have the feeling that I’m doing the same thing over and over again. I really have to learn some new tricks … And I already started. Today I created another Theatre Of The Nameless inspired look and I think I was quite successful. I’ll show you the today’s look tomorrow. Here’s just a small preview …

Artistic make up look: Illamasqua - Theatre Of The Nameless inspired by Maestra
Illamasqua - Theatre Of The Nameless inspired by Maestra

What comes to your mind when looking at the photos above?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

20 thoughts on “Theatre Of The Nameless inspired (part 1)”

  1. Super kreativno. Zelo všeč! Glede na to da si omenila da se ti zdi da se ta look ni dobro fotografiral me zanima če si poskusila z različnimi odbojniki (difuzorji) svetlobe? Sama sicer nikoli ne fotografiram v studiju vem pa da se da z različnimi odbojniki doseči zelo lepo fotko (žal ti pa kakšen bolj konkreten nasvet glede na to da sama tega ne uporabljam ne morem dati).

    • Hvala!
      Nisem še tako napredna in nimam odbojnikov. Morda kdaj v prihodnje. Tukaj je bil eden od problemov podlaga za puder, seveda pa tudi osvetlitev, a to imam tako vedno probleme, ker delam čisto amatersko. :biggrin:

  2. Tudi meni je Illamasqua zelo všeč, ravno zaradi vse te premišljene fantazije, ki je osnova vsaki kolekciji :wub:

    Glede tvojega looka pa – meni se sploh ne zdi napačen, še posebej všeč mi je 3. fotka – ta je res nekaj posebnega, saj se mi zdi da izžareva tistega pravega klovna, ki si ga nam hotela predstaviti. Look je grotesken a ravno to ga naredi zanimivega :w00t: . Najbolj všeč pa mi je seveda to, da je tvoj look čisto poseben in unikaten. Po pravici povedano, se mi zdijo te kopije raznih makeupov čisto preveč dolgočasne in brez domišljije. Včasih nekaterim celo uspe narediti zelo dobro kopijo. A meni to nekako ne pomeni veliko. Še vedno se mi zdi, da je vsak obraz čisto preveč individualen in ravno zato se mi ta inspiriran look zdi špica :party:

    • 3. fotka je tudi meni najljubša. :yes:
      Glede kopij pa se čisto strinjam. Tudi meni to ni to. Kot si napisala, vsak obraz je popolnoma drugačen. Ja, je umetnost nek obraz “prepričati”, da izgleda kot en drug obraz, a vseeno … treba je kreativnosti pustiti prosto pot.
      Hvala za tvoj komentar! :ahug:

    • Hvala Biba! :rose:
      S trepkami sem imela same težave, ker so se mi odlepile v notranjih kotičkih. Sicer pa tudi jaz nisem bila sigurna, ali so mi všeč pri tem look-u. Najraje bi imela tiste košate od Illamasque, a žal jih nimam. :( Te rdeče pa na fotkah še ful bolj izstopajo. V živo je vseeno manj kričeče.
      Tudi tebi hvala za iskren komentar. :ahug:

    • The main problem for me was that it just didn’t photograph well. The skin looks awful and the contours aren’t visible enough. Well … I’m glad you liked it! :happy:

  3. Oči so fantastične. Žarki so mi izjemno všeč. Ustnice malo manj, tudi na promo fotkah mi te ustnice niso bile preveč všeč. Ampak oči so pa perfektne. :wub: Še najbolj pa čakam drugi del, zaradi zelenih ustnic sem čisto :drop: .
    Kot sem že omenila v prvem postu, je tudi meni ideja kolekcije izredno všeč, Illamasqua sledi svoji prvotni ideji alter ega in neprilagodljivosti večini. Nekaj izdelkov me še vedno mika kupit, ampak kaj, ko je hud udarec za mojo že tako shujšano denarnico, sploh v tem obdobju. Enkrat pa že. :yes:

    • Hvala, Ulmiel! :rose: Žarke sem enostavno morala sprobati in prav tako te ustnice. Po svoje take ustnice dajo grotesknost look-u. Vsekakor najlepša hvala za iskren komentar. Takšne imam najraje. :yes:
      Jaz sem ravno v nedeljo naročila paketič … :happy: Tokrat so prišli na vrsto čopiči. Zelen glos sem z veliko težavo pustila. Za takšen hec je vseeno predrag. Morda mu kdaj drugič podležem. :biggrin: Ampak je pa bil ljubezen na prvi pogled … :wub:


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