China Glaze – It’s Alive and Ghoulish Glow

Chane Glaze‘s collection for Halloween 2011 is called Haunting and it consists of six nail polishes. Two of them are almost black cremes, one is black crackle, there’s two glitters and one glow in the dark nail polish. Half of the collection was interesting to me (the two glitters and the glow in the dark one), but I bought only two of them (one glitter and the glow in the dark one). Here we go.

It’s Alive is an amazing green glitter polish. It might just be the best glitter polish I have in my stash. It has dark green base and light green glitter. There are (at least) two types of glitter: sexagons and small square glitter. The combination of base color and glitter works perfectly. Application was easy. The polish is very opaque and it dries very fast. It dries to a rough finish. There’s two coats in the photos below and with no top coat.

Swatch: China Glaze (Haunting Halloween 2011 LE) - It's Alive (2 coats)
China Glaze (Haunting Halloween 2011 LE) - It's Alive (2 coats)
Swatch: China Glaze (Haunting Halloween 2011 LE) - It's Alive (2 coats)
China Glaze (Haunting Halloween 2011 LE) - It's Alive (2 coats)
Swatch: China Glaze (Haunting Halloween 2011 LE) - It's Alive (2 coats)
China Glaze (Haunting Halloween 2011 LE) - It's Alive (2 coats)

The second polish I bought from the Haunting collection was the Ghoulish Glow nail polish. I wanted a glow in the dark nail polish since … I don’t know since when. Since the first time I have heard about them, but I never got it. Until now. I think it’s fun to have a glow in the dark nail polish. :D I knew these polishes do not glow in the dark spectacularly, but still … it’s fun. Ghoulish Glow is what I expected it would be. One coat of Ghoulish Glow is nice and sheer and is appropriate for layering over other polishes. But with one coat it gives you “almost no glow in the dark” nails. :D Two coats of Ghoulish Glow will give you a nice glow in the dark effect, but two coats are too opaque to be layered over other polishes. Well, you can still layer it but have in mind that the base polish won’t be visible (a lot).

I layered one coat of Ghoulish Glow over It’s Alive. And as you can see in the photos below only one coat of Ghoulish Glow “changes” the base coat color.

Swatch: China Glaze (Haunting Halloween 2011 LE) - It's Alive (2 coats) + Ghoulish Glow (1 coat)
China Glaze (Haunting Halloween 2011 LE) - It's Alive (2 coats) + Ghoulish Glow (1 coat)
Swatch: China Glaze (Haunting Halloween 2011 LE) - It's Alive (2 coats) + Ghoulish Glow (1 coat)
China Glaze (Haunting Halloween 2011 LE) - It's Alive (2 coats) + Ghoulish Glow (1 coat)

In the dark (the room wasn’t completely dark/black) … the bottle of Ghoulish Glow makes a great night light. :D

Swatch: China Glaze (Haunting Halloween 2011 LE) - It's Alive (2 coats) + Ghoulish Glow (1 coat)
China Glaze (Haunting Halloween 2011 LE) - It's Alive (2 coats) + Ghoulish Glow (1 coat)

And a short video …

To sum it up:
It’s Alive is a fantastic glitter polish. Although it chipped on me very fast, I love it. If you like glitter and green polishes, this one is a must have.

Ghoulish Glow is a fun polish. It’s something different. I like it, but I don’t think it’s a spectacular polish and certainly not a must have.

Have you ever tried a glow in the dark nail polish? Which one is the best in your opinion? And what do you think about the It’s Alive polish?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

17 thoughts on “China Glaze – It’s Alive and Ghoulish Glow”

  1. Super, da si dobila It’s Alive, res je fantasičen! Eden mojih najljubših ChG in glitterčkov nasploh. Tega, ki se sveti v temi sem pa res hotela, potem sem pa videla da bazni lak naredi tak … mlečen, to me je potem odvrnilo od nakupa. Sem zahtevna, saj vem. :D Efekt mi je pa še zmeraj všeč. :)

    • Tudi jaz bi si želela lak, ki se sveti v temi na polno in ki bi bil čisto prosojen. Dvomim, da je to možno. Po moje so ti delci, ki svetijo v temi takšne neke mlečne barve. Hmmm …
      Ideja je super in zato sem ga morala imeti! :biggrin:

  2. Tale gliterček je res zanimiv! Po tvojem opisu se mi zdi zelo podoben Tony Moly gliterčkom, ki pa so meni osebno še lepše barve. Po moje bi bili všeč tudi tebi, ti jih priporočam. :thumb:
    Tale Ghoulish Glow sem pa že imela (starega, ne iz te kolekcije), pa me žal ni prepričal in je šel naprej. Sem ga pa slojila čez svetle lakce (3 plasti) in če nohte nekaj za časa približaš lučki, potem pa jo ugasneš, se res noro svetijo! Ampak samo kakšno minuto, potem pa ta “sij” spet pojenja, škoda!

    • Morala sem osvežiti spomin in sem pogooglala, kateri so Tony Moly gliterji. Ja, itak, da so lepi! Kje jih kupuješ/naročaš?
      Tudi jaz bom naslednjič probala Ghoulish Glow slojiti v večih plasteh čez bel lak in bom videla, kako mi bo všeč. Je pa logično, da kmalu nehajo svetiti… te stvari me spomnijo na dudice, ki so bile davno nazaj popularne in smo jih imeli obešene na verižicah, zapestnicah, vezalkah, torbah, …). Imela sem jih v vseh mogočih velikostih. In vmes so bile tudi takšne, ki so svetile v temi in je bila ista fora. “Nafilal” si jo pod lučjo in potem je nekaj časa svetila v temi. :biggrin:

  3. awesome
    I’ve tried Zom-body to love from OPI
    but it doesn’t glow like that

    Do you do something before so that it glows?? some people say you have to put it in the light or in the fridge

    • Really? I thought that OPI’s glow in the dark polish is better. :(
      Yes, it helps if you hold your nails (or the bottle) in front of a light. The substance that glows in the dark obviously has to “charge” itself or something like that. The nails glow nicely in the first couple of minutes or so and than the effect fades. It’s like with batteries, they get empty. :biggrin:

  4. tocno ta 2 laka si zelim…!!! cakala sem na placo da si jih kupim in glej ga zlomka ghoulish glowov je zmanjkalo na Zapikonai :(((( od zalosti si potem niti tega It’s alive nisem kupila… ampak si me sedaj prepričala in ga bom takoj narocila :)))) glow si bom pa pac prek ebaya narocila…včeraj sem probala kombinacijo (vidla pri eni blogerki) iz lanske kolekcije Ick-A-Body (2 sloja) & Zombie Zest (1 sloj) in morem vsem povedat, da je ta kombinacija nekaj najlepsega na svetu…:) poslikam in objavim kasneje v tem slabem vremenu.. :(
    uspesen dan zelim :)


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