Review and swatches: Alessandro Croco Glam LE

I’m one of those polish-holics that is still not tired of crackles, so I had lots of fun playing with Alessandro Go Magic! Croco Glam LE gold/black set.

Each set consists of three 5ml mini polishes – croco base, croco coat and top coat. So far I already wore this combination twice as full manicure and you can see in the below photo how much nail polish is still left in the bottle.

Alessandro Croco Glam LE gold-black
Alessandro Croco Glam LE gold-black

Gold base is very similar to the one from Alessandro Go Magic! Royal Crash set. Only difference that I can see is that gold base from Croco Glam set lacks larger shimmer and is more foil like. I used two coats.

Alessandro Go Magic! - Croco Glam LE gold base swatch
Alessandro Go Magic! – Croco Glam LE gold base

First time I was in a hurry, so I didn’t have time to experiment. I used too thin coats and got very tiny cracks. I loved them, but they were not very visible. I’m pretty sure majority thought I was wearing black polish. One thing that kind of surprised me – it takes 2-3 minutes for polish to completely crack.

Alessandro Go Magic! - Croco Glam LE thinner cracks swatch
Alessandro Go Magic! – Croco Glam LE thinner cracks

Couple of days later, I decided to use the same set, but this time I applied pretty normal layers. Here are the cracks that I got in my second try:

Alessandro Go Magic! - Croco Glam LE swatch by Parokeets
Alessandro Go Magic! – Croco Glam LE swatch

Staying power is not stellar but not bad either. I removed it after 2 days because of the tip wear (shrinkage?).

While I was applying gold base for my second mani, I thought it would be nice to show you this polish in a video. I had good natural light, but finding the right position for my camera/hand … nightmare. In the end I just applied the crackle from really weird (and uncomfortable) position. :D

Price: 14,95 EUR for a set.

How do you like videos like this one? Do you find them interesting or just boring?

*Polishes were sent to me for review purposes.

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

25 thoughts on “Review and swatches: Alessandro Croco Glam LE”

  1. Najprej sem mislila, da je Croco le fancy izraz za razpokančka ampak tvoje slikice me res spominjajo na krokodiljo kožo :yes:

  2. Sem tudi jst mislila, da bom kupila pa sem si premislila…na promo fotkah je zgodba čisto drugačna, kot v realnosti, kar opažam kr pogosto pri Alessandru zadne čase :think:
    Vseeno dober post pa hvala in ja video je super uporaben :wave:

  3. Kaj pa vem, mene še zmeraj ne prepriča. Raje imam velike razpoke. Bi pa preizkusila še tega, čisto za hec, če ne bi bili tako božjastno dragi. :yes:

    • Mislim da so razpoke na drugi manikure kar maksimum za tegale crackla. Res si želim, da bi raje prodajali posamezne efekt lake … vendar za 1x nič ne kaže, da se bodo usmerili v to smer. :sigh:

      Zlata baza je pa tako fina, da bi si zaslužila, da jo uvrstijo med redno kolekcijo. :nails:

  4. honestly? i’m really not a fan of this kind of crackle, i very much prefer the ones opi & china glaze have at the moment.

  5. Zlata baza je čudovita! :stars: Crackle je pa zaminiv, ampak ni mi pa všeč, kako razpoka čisto pri konici nohta. Škoda, ker je ideja super… :unsure:
    Taki videi na koncu pa so krasni, jaz jih vedno z veseljem pogledam! :thumb:

  6. super stvar. meni favorite je zagaotovo zlat. čudovita barva.
    in ja seveda so zanimivi tile filmčki. prav poživijo vse skupaj in koristni so so tudi.

    mam pa eno vprašanje? kdaj boste pisale o essence ”re-mix your style” omejeni kolekciji?

  7. Presenetljivo – ni mi všeč. Bila sem prepričana da bom kupila vsaj dva seta iz kolekcije, ampak res mi ni všeč kako razpoka. Na promo fotkah so razpoke izgledale tako elegantno, niti malo niso spominjale na krokodile ali kaj podobnega :biggrin:

    • Mislim da bi tole še lepše izgledalo na ožjih nohtih, ker bi se crackle mogoče lahko nanesel z eno potezo. Tale greben na sredini je namreč nastal zaradi moje tehnike nanosa. Samo pri meni izgleda nanos z eno potezo prav grdo. :roll:

  8. I’d like it more, if the crackle top was dark green and the base bright green. Frankly speaking, this reminds me more to a turtle, than to a crocodile. Sorry.

    • Turtle. :biggrin: Cracks are pretty funky and depend on thickens of the application. I have to wide nails to use just one swipe of crock coat, so you see the middle ridge. :sigh:

      I too wouldn’t mind dark green one. :yes:


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