Alessandro Go Magic! – Royal Crash

Maestra found Alessandro Go Magic! – Royal Crash set on one of her journeys and she kindly picked up one for me.

My set consists of: Crash Base (gold), Crash Coat (black crack polish) and Top Coat.

Alessandro Go Magic! - Royal Crash by Parokeets

First I applied two coats of Gold Base polish. It was easy to apply and it dried pretty quickly. Golden color + foil finish is not my favorite combo, but it doesn’t look bad at all.

Alessandro Go Magic! - Royal Crash Crash Coat Gold Base swatch
Alessandro Go Magic! – Royal Crash Crash Coat Gold Base

I waited for couple of minutes and then applied one thin layer of Crash Coat. I expected much thicker formula (don’t ask me why), so I ended up using way too thin coats.

Alessandro Go Magic! - Royal Crash Crash Coat swatch
Alessandro Go Magic! – Royal Crash Crash Coat (thin layer)

So I repeated the exercise and this time used a lot thicker layer (over my failed attempt):

Alessandro Go Magic! - Royal Crash Crash Coat swatch
Alessandro Go Magic! – Royal Crash Crash Coat (thick layer)

Isn’t it gorgeous?

I finished up the manicure with the Top Coat from the set, but I must say that I prefer matte look of the Crack Base. I’ll have to test the staying power of the mani without the top coat to see if I can skip it altogether.

Alessandro Go Magic! - Royal Crash swatch with Top Coat
Alessandro Go Magic! – Royal Crash with Top Coat

Three 5ml (0,17 fl.oz.) polishes cost around 15 EUR (19 USD).

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

26 thoughts on “Alessandro Go Magic! – Royal Crash”

  1. Manikura je videti zelo podobna Isadora Graffiti Nails. :yes:  Sama sem črni Isadora crackling zadnjič dala na srebrno podlago in je zgledalu super – na rdeči pa itak zmaga. :wink:

  2. joj ja ovaj set gledam vec neko vrijeme u muelleru al mi je nekako skup, pogotovo jer me samo crackle zanima, ova zlatna mi nije bas nesto, a i topcoatova imam dovoljno   :ermm:


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