Our reader Marta said that Tease-y Does It reminded her of another gorgeous polish Melanzana Glitter made by Collistar. Marta, thanks for your comment, I would never think of this comparison. And you know what? These polishes are indeed very close, but not dupes.
Polishes look nothing alike in the bottles. Only the shimmer or small flakes look similar.

After two coats on the nails the story is a bit different. They look very similar, although under strong light you can see the difference.

The application was easy with both of them. I prefer the Collistar brush. Melanzana Glitter is more pigmented than the Tease-y Does It. You’ll definitely need two good coats with Tease-y Does It, while Melanzana Glitter looks almost perfect with one carefully applied coat. Melanzana Glitter has darker base, it’s almost black. Tease-y Does It has dark purple-brown base with a bit of smokiness (best seen in the first photo).
While Tease-y Does It and Melanzana Glitter aren’t dupes, they are close. And for some close enough not to have both. For me, both are must haves for fall and winter as they look very cool on the nails – vampy but with visible shimmer.
To make this post even more interesting. Here are two konadicures I did with the Collistar – Melanzana Glitter polish.
First is a konadicure I already showed you here on Parokeets. Here Melanzana Glitter is used for stamping. Yes, it’s that pigmented that you can use it even for stamping.

Next is a konadicure I did for a Slovenian web site called ARS Cosmetica. Here’s a LINK to my article – sorry, article is only in Slovenian language, but there’s a lot of photos.

I hope this post was helpful for some of you.
Please, write in the comments which polish wins the game for you – Tease-y Does It or Melanzana Glitter? Or are you maybe like me and you need both of them?
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Thank you for this comparsion!! :rose:
Jooj kako sta oba lepa, si resnično morem enega izmed teh dveh nabavit, čeprav se verjetno ne bom mogla odločiti katerega bi. A je MElanzana Glitter sploh na voljo v Sloveniji? :blush:
Zadnja manikura je pa čudovita, res prekrasna izbira barv :wub: , upam da ne boš preveč jezna, ker ti bom definitivno ukradla tole idejo :blush:
Melanzano sem kupila v Sloveniji, vendar že kakšno leto nazaj in ne vem, ali je še na voljo. Bo treba malo pobrskati. ;)
Seveda ne bom jezna, če uporabiš mojo idejo. Prav ponosna bom. ;) Če pa boš še povedala, kje si idejo videla, bom pa sploh v sedmih nebesih. :angel: :rose:
I love the effect, glitters and I would say that if I had both of them I would keep them all :wub:
That would be a perfect decision! I’m going to keep them both too. They are just too gorgeous!
Hmmm, morda Melanzana Glitter, ampak bi se zelo težko odločila katerega kupit. Oba sta lepa. Sicer pa o-maj-goš, zadnja manikura je res perfektna, rdeče-črna z vrtnicami, ooooo, zelo zelo zelo lepo! :stars:
Se mi je zdelo, da ti bo tale zadnja manikura všeč. :wink: V živo je bilo sicer malo manj opazno, kot je na fotografiji, za katero sem prav iskala osvetlitev in kot, kjer se bo konad najbolje videl. A vseeno … takšna classy konadikura. Priznam, da je tudi meni všeč. :scared: :biggrin: In me veseli, da tudi tebe kdaj navdušim s kakšnim Konadom. :wink:
Imela bi oba, mi pa TDI malo bolj potegne. :biggrin:
Meni pa kar oba potegneta. :naughty: :haha:
They’re both very pretty!
I agree with you on that. :yes:
Ovo je jedini lak iz burlesque kolekcije koji se meni sviđa :blush:
Krasni su ti ovi dolje radovi :bow:
Stvarno je jedan od najljepših! :yes:
Hvala! :rose:
čudovit konad tale z jessico <3
Hvala, Anita! :rose:
Melanzana is like ten times better.
Tease-y Does It is okay, but my problem with it is that I feel like it’s…dirty. It’s like it has this weird grey film over it that never goes away.
Melanzana looks like someone used windex and cleaned Tease-y Does It up…it’s more saturated and looks more sparkly, which is why I like it better.
Thanks for the great comparison! And that’s an awesome Konad that you did with the roses…so pretty. :wub:
OK, then it’s not only me. :biggrin: When I first saw the Tease-y Does It, I was like … what’s that grey-ish thing? And when I opened the bottle, it was even worse. BUT … Fortunately for me, I don’t see that “dirty” thing on my nails. Or it’s almost invisible for me. Yay!!! :party: That’s why I love them both. I love Melanzana Glitter for it’s deepness and I love Tease-y Does It, because the shimmer is a bit more prominent on the nails. :thumb:
Thank you! :rose:
I think Tease-y does it will have to do it for me, since I can’t get my hands on the other polish.
Tease-y Does It is a great shade and it’s a good “substitute” for Melanzana Glitter. :wink:
Melanzana Glitter mi je jedan od omiljenih lakova i sada sam sigurna da nema potrebe da kupujem Tease-y Does It :wink:
Melanzana Glitter je stvarno prekrasan! :wub: