Review and swatches: OPI Burlesque

Maestra kindly allowed me to swatch her OPI Burlesque polishes.

OPI Burlesque by Parokeets
OPI Burlesque: Glow Up Already!, Show It & Glow It!, Tease-y Does It

Glow Up Already! and Show It & Glow It! are very, very shiny polishes. But my camera apparently decided to protect my eyes from all that light, so I’m afraid you’ll have to imagine all that sparkle coming from them.

Surprisingly I loved Glow Up Already! more than Show It & Glow It! shade. Color looks a little bit funky in the bottle, but I loved it on nails. I already warned Maestra I’ll be borrowing this shade.

OPI Burlesque - Glow Up Already! swatch
OPI Burlesque – Glow Up Already! (2 coats + top coat)

Detail where you can see glitter in hexagonal shape. You can not actually  see the glitter in the manicure, sparkle is to strong. :D

OPI Burlesque - Glow Up Already! detail

With Show It & Glow It! shade the main color is pinkish-violet. I find it a little bit too cool, so it’s not on my wish list. Just like previous shade, SIGI is also very dazzling polish.

OPI Burlesque - Show It And Glow It! swatch
OPI Burlesque – Show It And Glow It! (2 coats + top coat)


OPI Burlesque - Show It And Glow It! detail

The last one is the reason why I wanted to swatch Maestras polishes in the first place. Tease-y Does It is the member of vampy shades community with visible glitter/shimmer. And I LOVE those kind of shades. This dark reddish-brown polish with purplish shimmer is no exception.

OPI Burlesque - Tease-Y Does It! swatch
OPI Burlesque – Tease-Y Does It (2 coats + top coat)

I was a little bit surprised with duochrome effect that is seen in the bottle but it does not transfer onto the nails.

OPI Burlesque - Tease-Y Does It duochrome

Since it looks really similar to Nubar Raspberry Truffle I already have, I wondered just how much alike are they. Judge for yourself:

Comparison: OPI Burlesque Tease-Y Does It vs. Nubar Raspberry Truffle swatch

Can you tell them apart?

Nubar is the one applied in the middle (ring finger) and it looks dupe for Tease-y Does It or better jet Tease-y Does It is the dupe for Raspberry Truffle. You can even see the similar duochrome effect in Nubar bottle. Staying power is good with both polishes – very slight tip wear after two days.

Removing glittery polishes was a little bit more difficult as you can imagine, while Tease-y Does It was not problematic.

We got the polishes from Za piko na i store where they sell the whole Burlesque collection.

Which one is your favorite from Burlesque collection?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

29 thoughts on “Review and swatches: OPI Burlesque”

  1. hello Gejba,
    These polishes are great. I love your swatches! The colors are perfect for a happy Christmas. I’m saving for that. I like to have all:)
    Happy Weekend!

  2. Nubar Raspberry Truffle mi je već na wish listi…ajoj,kolika li je :stars:
    pa tako mogu preskočiti ovu kolekciju,nekako si mi  prešareni :nails:
    ali tvoje bih nokte mogla gledati svaki dan po tri puta (sve drugo bi bilo pretjerivanje,jel’ da)

  3. OPI kolekcija, ki me je pustila čisto hladno. Malce je srce pomigalo ob dveh, treh barvah, vendar samo shimmerjih, zdaj pa si me še potolažila, da je Tease-y does it dupe Nubarja in tako lahko mirno preskočim komplet kolekcijo. Glitter mi je prehud v takile izvedbi, rdečkoti, razen enega, čisto nič izvirni … eh, čakam na naslednjo OPIjevo kolekcijo, ni bati, da ne bom zapravila denarja za kakšen drug lak medtem. :wink:

    • OPI zadnje čase daje ven toliko nekih kolekciji, da že komaj spremljam. Če se prav spomnim, me glede na promo fotke ni hudo navdušila nobena izmed prihodnjih izdaj. :think:

      • Se strinjam, saj to me skrbi. :( Zdajle imam prečudovit lak na sebi iz India kolekcije in se prav sprašujem, kje so ti biseri, ki so jih znali ustvariti. Tale s Kate Perry ali kako ji je že ime, pa potem še en dečko in Serena Williams kolekcije so vse za moj okus slabe. Gojim upanje za spomladansko kolekcijo.

  4. Divni swatchevi… :wub:   Ja sam uzela Show it and glow it i isto mi nije baš sjeo. Puno više volim Mad as a Hatter iako su na istu foru. Tease-y mi je divan ali imam već Nubar.

  5. Glow Up Already! Ne mogu ga prestat gledat! Upravo sam panično zvala frendicu da joj ga linkam jer ovo je nešto presavršeno!!!!
    A tebe ću zadavit! lli prestani birat tako dobre lakove (do 1.2.) ili prestani lakirat nokte! Meni je svejedno, samo me nemoj dovodit u napast!

    • Čekaj da razmislim … ima još dobrih lakova na listi do 1.12. :haha:

      Ti samo lijepo dodaj sve na WL, a onda si priušti sve kao novogodišnji poklon.  :silly:

      • hahaha! sad sam se prebacila na opasno žicanje! večeras sa dobila novi essencov iz LE, ovaj sam poslala prijateljici na popis,… a 1.2. ću robit sve moguće trgovine!
        samo mi je teško gledati ih!


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