First time I saw p2 Gorgeous it reminded me of S-he 436 shade. Of course I had to compare them right away. :D
Polishes look similar, but they’re not identical. 436 is a few shades lighter and a little more warmer purple than Gorgeous.
I used 2 layers + top coat.
I would have hard time deciding which one is prettier. Luckily for me I have both.
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
S-he 436 imam, ampak mi je p2 lepši, ker je malenkost temnejši :nails:
Super primerjava, oba sta prekrasna :wub:
They’re both gorgeous! I think they’re different enough to buy both ;)
svidjaju mi se oba, ali bojim se da ne bi funkcionirali na mojim noktima :unsure:
Uvijek me podsjetiš na neki lak,koji sam,na žalost preskočila kupiti :hmm:
Morat ću malo više pažnje obratiti na s-he lakove :yes:
Ne morem se odločit, kateri mi je bolj všeč. Morda p2, ker je temnejši, ampak sta oba zelo lepa. :)
These are both really pretty polishes :)
Haha, yeah, you’re lucky! :yes:
I like them both! But I have Gorgeous, so I don’t think I’ll be needing the other one…
It reminds me of Bubble Bubble (Essence LE). Its Gorgeous :-)
Maestra did a comparison between BB and 436 a while ago. They do look similar. :yes:
Na hitro bi rekla, da mi je p2 bolj všeč.
That is a great colour. Unfortunately we can’t buy s-he in Germany…..Nevertheless thank you for posting, looks so beautiful on your nails.
Wish you a very good start into the new week.
You have p2 and we have s-he in DM’s. I think you got a better deal. :biggrin:
Enjoy the snowy week. :wave: