Quick post to show you the beautiful nail polish I’m wearing right now on my nails. It’s Orly‘s Fowl Play from the Birds of Feather collection. Take a look.

Isn’t it a beauty? Or did I promise too much?
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Quick post to show you the beautiful nail polish I’m wearing right now on my nails. It’s Orly‘s Fowl Play from the Birds of Feather collection. Take a look.
Isn’t it a beauty? Or did I promise too much?
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
it’s so beautiful!
Na spodnji sliki res lepo izpade, ampak v nakup me pa vseeno ne prepriča – po krpicah zelo redko posežem…
omg so pretty :D
hello beauty!! :cute: :sigh:
Božanski. :yes: Moj še čaka, da ga spravim na nohte, je že čas!
OMG…Is a perfect dupe for OPI Merry Midnight. Shame on you Orly :)
Ooooh! I’m going to meet a friend of mine tomorrow and she will take my Fowl Play she ordered for me few weeks ago. Your post makes me… I CAN’T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :w00t: :stars: :happy: :nervous: :drool:
OMG. It seems you applied one of those topcoats, like Gosh Rainbow.