Pink Challenge: Day 1 by Gejba

When Caroline contacted me with offer to join Pink Challenge my first thought was – 7 manicures with one and a same pink polish?!? Uh – that would really be a challenge for me. :D

You all know how much I “like” pink polishes, but as this challenge was roughly scheduled for end of September/beginning of October I found it difficult to decline. It simply is the best way for me to promote breast cancer awareness month color … besides adding balloon with pink ribbon to our logo.

Deciding which pink polish to use was nightmare at best. I do have a huge nail polish collection, but as I really don’t like pink color I have only a handful of pinks … and none that I would wear as part of 7 manicures. :D In the end I went for Essence Love This City from I Love Berlin TE. I chose I Love Berlin because it has pretty good coverage, so I can get away with just one coat if needed and it could be used for stamping. Bonus points were also that it is not hot pink or pastel one … at least I thought that was a good thing until I started doing my manicures and realized that I should have gone with pastel pink as it tends to be more versatile. Oh well – I already did 2 manicures with this polish so I wasn’t inclined to switch color. :D

Here are the rules:

  • for entire week you have to publish manicures with same polish;
  • you can layer, stamp over it, draw nail art … but base polish must still be visible is some way (so no layering black over it).

Day 1 of Pink Challenge is dedicated to the base polish of our choice – so in my case Essence Love This City. Formula wise I have no objections to this creme polish – is glides on, is just the right thickness, brush is OK, drying time is acceptable … Color is pink pink but has very slight undertone to it … I’m guessing something in peachy range. It’s muted so it doesn’t overpower everything else.

Essence I Love This City (pink challenge) by GEJBA swatch
Essence I Love This City (I Love Berlin TE) 2 coats + top coat

Meet the other participants in Pink Challenge: Caroline from Good Lack, Nail!, Maestra from Parokeets blog, Ulmiel from Did someone say nail polish?, Rebecca from Rebecca Likes Nails, Leslie from Polish Art Addiction, Inge from Polish Sis, Sidrah from Beauteous blog, Sarah from Lucky Lacquers.
Can’t wait to see your creations ladies. :D

Pink lovers prepare yourselves – this week is your wet nail polish dream coming true. :D

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

14 thoughts on “Pink Challenge: Day 1 by Gejba”

  1. wow, great color!

    btw, i’m another polish enthusiast from Turkey, you can reach my blog from here


  2. Točno vem kaj misliš … saj veš, rozasta tudi moja barva ni. :wink: Noja, je pa zato še toliko večji izziv, hehe! Fino, da sta se kar dve Parokeetki priključili. :thumb: Komaj čakam tvoje stvaritve … in na zeleni teden. :wink: :whistle:

      • Lol, točno to ja, sem tudi jaz že razmišljala, da mi je bilo med tremi stekleničkami rozaste verjento lažje izbrati eno kot mi bo med cca 70 zelenimi … oh dear. :D

  3. Komaj čakam nadaljne manikure! :nails:
    P.S. Zakaj se ne moram vpisati z open ID/twitter/… računom? :ermm: Ko poskusim, me vrže na home page.. :ermm:

  4. Sretno s ovim , meni bi bio pravi ‘challenge’, nesto ne preferiram roza nijanse. Na tebi ovaj stoji super, bas me zanima sta ces sve napraviti s njim :)


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