Pink Challenge: Day 2 by Gejba

This challenge is perfect opportunity to try out techniques I didn’t use in a while, to do manicures that are out of my comfort zone … things that I normally wouldn’t be inclined to do.

I’m not a fan of stamping over shimmery/glittery base. For unknown reason I prefer metallic image over creme base. Second thing that you’re not very likely to see on my nails are romantic manicures. Today’s combo falls in both categories. :D

Here are the products I used for day 2 pink challenge manicure: Essence Love This City, Inglot 205, Manhattan Pro Mat Top Coat, Essence Stamp Me! White and H7 fauxnad image plate.

Essence I Love This City, Inglot 205, H7 + Essence Stamp Me White, Manhattan Pro Mat pink challenge products
Essence Love This City, Inglot 205, H7 + Essence Stamp Me White, Manhattan Pro Mat

I started with Essence Love This City as a base color and then applied Inglot 205 flakies all over the pink base. To finish the manicure I added flowery design from H7 image plate + Essence Stamp me! White in opposite corners. The final effect reminded me of lacy satin … but I couldn’t really capture the effect on the photo.

Essence I Love This City, Inglot 205, H7 + Essence Stamp Me White - pink challenge GEJBA
Essence Love This City, Inglot 205, H7 + Essence Stamp Me White

Shine was really annoying me, so I mattified the mani with Manhattan Pro Mat top coat.

Essence I Love This City, Inglot 205, H7 + Essence Stamp Me White, Manhattan Pro Mat - pink challenge GEJBA
Essence Love This City, Inglot 205, H7 + Essence Stamp Me White, Manhattan Pro Mat

But in the end I didn’t prefer matte finish over glossy one. Yeah – I’m hard to please. :D

Which version would you rather wear – glossy or matte one … or neither?

Check out other participants in pink challenge: Caroline from Good Lack, Nail!, Maestra from Parokeets blog, Ulmiel from Did someone say nail polish?, Rebecca from Rebecca Likes Nails, Leslie from Polish Art Addiction, Inge from Polish Sis, Sidrah from Beauteous blog, Sarah from Lucky Lacquers.

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

24 thoughts on “Pink Challenge: Day 2 by Gejba”

  1. Všeč mi je prva verzija. Zmatirana zgleda nekako… ubito.
    Ampak vse pohvale ne kombinacijo roza-zlate – božanska je :party:

  2. Najprej sploh nisem opazila belih zvezdic in po nekaj minut strmljenja sem jih le opazila, menim da bi bilo lepše brez njih, ampak ker niso preveč opazne izgleda uredu :thumb:

  3. A nice combo!
    I’m not sure if I like the white stamping … It just sits on the nails … it doesn’t blend with the whole image. Maybe that was exactly what you wanted and that’s totally fine. :thumb:
    On the photos I don’t see a big difference between the matte and shine version, that’s why I can’t really decide which one do I prefer.
    Good job Gejba! :thumb:


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