Preview: Essence Vampire’s Love TE

Vampire craze is everywhere and Essence is jumping on the bandwagon with Vampire’s Love trend edition.

vampire diaries, twilight & co… vampire fever is in the air once again this winter. mythical nights, endless love, eerie and beautiful film scenes – it’s so easy to get infected! the new essence trend edition “vampire’s love” ensures a perfect vampire look. blood red lips and pale, shimmering skin with a stylish twist – so mysterious and seductive… with the new products from the essence trend edition “vampire’s love”, every girl can be a vampire queen in november 2011.

I want all the polishes … but then again I would want them even if they weren’t pretty. If I already have all their “vampire” collection polishes, then I want to add these to my collection too.

Preview: Essence Vampire's Love TE nail polishes by Parokeets
Preview: Essence Vampire's Love TE nail polishes - 01 gold old buffy, 02 into the dark, 03 true love, 04 the dawn is broken and 05 hunt me if you can

Blush gelee and lip tints look nice also, shimmer powder we’ll see about …

Preview: Essence Vampire's Love TE blush glee, lip stain, shimmer powder, lash powder
Preview: Essence Vampire's Love TE blush gelee, lip stain, shimmer powder, lash powder

Love at first bite eyeshadow looks cute, but it’s usually touch and go with Essence eyeshadows so I’ll decide to get or not to get it when I see the first swatches and try tester in the store.

Preview: Essence Vampire's Love TE eyeshadow palette by Parokeets
Preview: Essence Vampire's Love TE eyeshadow palette

I can’t use fragrances of any kind so I’ll naturally skip eau de toilette, but bottle looks nice.

Preview: Essence Vampire's Love TE eau de toilette
Preview: Essence Vampire's Love TE eau de toilette

Which product from Essence Vampire’s Love TE are you most anxiously waiting for?

* promo photos courtesy of Essence

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

20 thoughts on “Preview: Essence Vampire’s Love TE”

  1. Can you get the nailpolish somewere? Maybe online? my bestfriend want’s is so bad for her birthday but I can’t find it.

    • I don’t think you’ll find them on-line. If I were you, I would ask your distributer if you could buy from them directly … but this is last years LE so … :think:

  2. Jaz sem včeraj kupila vseh 5 lakcev :wub: Pa mislim, da bo v naslednjih dneh tudi paletka moja :party:

    P.S.: Če je katera z obale, ki si želi to kolekcijo – včeraj so imeli v Mullerju KP dve še čisto polni stojali .. Ampak bosta pomojem hitro prazni, tako da – zagrebite se! :wink:

  3. Razmišljam o nakupu modrega in vijoličnega laka ter vsaj enega lip staina (kako se to prevedev slovenščino?).
    Na koncu bo pa stojalo prazno in bom prišparala denarčka za kakšno drugo kolekcijo :wink:

  4. Hmmm… shimmer powder would be ok (I hope it won’t be with a lots of shimmer) and also palette looks ok to me and LIP STAIN (I’m crazy about lip products anyway)…

  5. Laki so mi noro všeč. Ne vem, kako bom našla cel set. V bistvu bi rabila dva, še za en paket. :blush: Groza, vem da jih bodo punce pograbile! Je pa dobra novica, da bo na tolikšnih prodajnih mestih, ne samo v Mullerju! Ostalo pa me ne zanima, parfumi so mi navadno presladki, ta bo gotovo, ker je zimski, takih pa ne maram.

  6. If the collection is released here I think I’ll take the polishes, the lip gelée and the lipstain.
    I’ll decide if I want to buy the palette when I see the swatches.
    The idea of a lash powder is pretty original but IMHO a bit disgusting. I can’ help but think about what would happen if it went IN my eyes. :stars:


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