I was in Germany a couple of days ago and “stole” a little bit of time for shopping.

As I didn’t have much time, I focused on p2 as I can not get that anywhere else than in German DM stores. I did manage to get all four Catrice Welcome To Las Vegas nail polishes and 2 Kiko Light Impulse LE eyeliners.
Here is the video of all my new goodies with eyeshadow and eyeliner swatches:
I was so happy to see that they already had Impulse Light limited edition in Kiko, but my realistic side didn’t allow me to buy palettes as they had quite a few eyeshadows with either large shimmer or maybe even glitter and face palette that I wanted had shimmery blush and glittery highlighter … but I still dream about those gorgeous products.
How do you like my new beauties? Do you have any favorites?
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Kiko svinčnika :wub:
Gejba, kdaj greš spet v šoping?? :biggrin:
OMG OMG OMG!!! The P2 Pearl Crackles!!! :drop: And Catrice Lovely Sinner!!! :drop: Those Kiko eyeliners look incredible too! WOW such an amazing haul! Enjoy all those beauties!
ajme kako su ovi crackli dobri :stars:
Which nail polish are you wearing in the video? It is beautiful! Is it Catrice Drama Queen? Or maybe one from Essence’s Vampire’s Love collection?
China Glaze Midtown Magic … truly magical shade. :wub:
It’s layerd over Alessandro nail polish, but you see only ChG one as it’s really opaque.
I am in love with the P2 cracks (they seem so sparkling!) and with the P2 polish called “Patchouli” (from the Ethnic Touch collection). You know, I love the scent of patchouli and this green color matches completely the earthy scent of patchouli! The coolest thing would be a scented patchouli green nail polish! (At first I thought this P2 polish was scented) I’d love to buy this special polish but I don’t live in Germany :(
DM stores are stingy with p2 stands … we wouldn’t mind having such a good brand instead of our s-he stand.
Patchouli is really lovely and I had to have it. And it’s darker than in video so even prettier. :silly:
Meni su krem sjenila i Kiko duo olovke njam njam, prekrasan shopping! Sviđa mi se način na koji predstavljaš proizvode.
Thx, Zozolina. :rose:
Same super stvari si si kupila, sama ne hodim v Nemčijo šopingitat zato nisem preveč pozorno gledala Kiko in P” stvari, ker jih ne bom nikoli mela. So mi pa začuda vsi štirje Catrice lakci zanimivi in bi tudi jaz rada videla primerjavo med Marlin&Me ter novim rdečim lakcem, ker mislim da nujno enega potrebujem :yes:
Aja pa še eno vprašanje na koncu, kateri lak nosiš v videu? izgleda :thumb:
Kiko je nam bližji v Italiji, tako da priporočam obisk katere izmed njihovih trgovinic. :yes:
Gor imam China Glaze Midtown Magic (sicer slojenega, vendar je tako prekriven, da je samo ChG viden).
I love the P2 nail polishes! Oh, and how similar is Lovely Sinner to Marilyn & Me (also Catrice), and Drama Queen and I wear my sunglasses at night (also Catrice)?
I’m almost done with swatches and plan doing the nail wheel comparisons of the exact shades you mentioned. :yes:
great haul, love it :w00t:
Me too. :biggrin:
I’m not really a fan of this Catrice collection, not sure why though..
LOVE the p2&kiko products!
I surprisingly like it – and Star Of The Show is very useful for stamping so another +.
Kiko duo linerji izgledajo obetavno.
S LE kiko paletami jaz nimam najboljših izkušenj – vedno je pol barv v njihx slabih, v smislu da moraš 10x s čopičem po njej da kaj gor in na očesu ostane…
Jaz sem jih sicer zelo na hitro stestirala, vendar se mi je zdela večina odtenkov dobro pigmentiranih. Samo tiste bleščice … :sigh:
Great haul!! :drool:
Kiko duo olovke…..WOW! Pre-pre-predivne! :) :yes:
Danas imaju test run … pa da vidimo, da li su tako kvalitetno kao što su lijepe. :silly:
Great haul!!
Have fun with all this!
I will. :party: