Kiko Verde Ardesia Scuro Perlato (no. 299) is one of my favorite Kiko nail polishes. It’s blue, so the chances of me hating it were really minimal. :D

Base is not as blue on the above photo, but more complex mix of blue with green and gray undertones. I guess I could put Kiko 299 in metallic finish category and we all know what that means. But Kiko cleverly put in lots of green and blue shimmer/tiny glitter which draws attention to the beautiful sparkle, so the brush strokes are not annoying.

I used 2 coats + top coat.
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Moj najljubši Kiko. :wub: Čudovit je!
modar, pa shimmer, pa tu nema ništa da ne valja :thumb:
I ja tako kažem. :biggrin:
Prečudovit! :wub:
:yes: :wub:
Vau, na prvi pogled izgleda kot srednje temen moder frosty lak, ampak mini bleščičke ga rešijo v mnogih pogledih. Mi lajki.
Nohti in nanos so itak top. Itak! :)
Brez bleščic bi bil mogče celo fail, tako pa … :wub: :wub:
Tale je pa res čudovit :wub:
A, ha. :love:
Ok… this nail polish is amazing or else I wouldn’t have bought one for myself :P but where the hell do I see its name???? I only see the number in the bottle! -_- Unless you can only see it at the store…
They have names listed only in the on-line store … no clue what is the point of that. :roll:
Thank you for the answer.. I was going bonkers!
Lovely! I think I’ve got it in my untried stash and even in my giveaway!
Let me know how you like it when it ends up in a tried stash. :silly: