EOTD: Mysterious purple smokey

Photos of this EOTD were waiting for their 5 minutes of fame for a very long time. I’m not sure why I called it mysterious purple smokey. Today it doesn’t look very mysterious to me, but obviously it looked mysterious to me, when I edited the photos. :D And it’s not even a real smokey eyes. What was I thinking?

OK now, let’s pretend for a second, that the look is mysterious and smokey, OK?

EOTD: Mysterious purple smokey by Maestra
EOTD: Mysterious purple smokey by Maestra
EOTD: Mysterious purple smokey by Maestra
EOTD: Mysterious purple smokey by Maestra

And the mysterious part isn’t the worst part of my today’s post. The worst part is, that I don’t have the slightest idea, what did I use to create this look. I hope you’ll forgive me. I can tell that there’s an eyeshadow that flashes green in the crease (maybe the Catrice – C’mon Chameleon). And that’s it.

I hope you liked my look even though it’s name isn’t the most appropriate.

I hope you are having a wonderful day!

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

4 thoughts on “EOTD: Mysterious purple smokey”

  1. Mogoče bi lahko rekli, da je skrivnostna in nedoumljiva ta neopredeljiva vijoličasta? :wink:
    V vsakem primeru krasna kombinacija raznih zamolklih odtenkov vijoličaste.


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