Essence Circus Circus trend edition reached our country. Well, most of it. We’re missing one nail polish shade – no. 02 Don’t feed the tiger.

Creme part of nail polish duos are fantastic. They’re easy to apply and glide onto the nail, are one coaters and I didn’t need to use fast drying top coat at all.
In all swatches I used one coat of base polish and one thicker coat of glitter top coat.
Best one is black part of Essence My Sparkling Acrobat duo. Gold glitter? Mnjah – squares, hexagons … Now if the added flakies …

Red combo was probably my favorite. Essence Applause, Applause glitter is more subtle and it doesn’t stand out as gold on the black does.

Essence Cotton Candy nail polish duo doesn’t have any large square or hexagon glitter, but seems to sparkle the most. :D

Stay all day eyeshadows I simply loved. My favorite color-wise is It’s Magic – gold shade. It spreads easily and works great as secondary primer on my oily eyelids.
Essence Raise The Curtain For … will probably be the one that I’ll use the most. Color is not as green as on the photo – it’s more brownish.
My Sparkling Acrobat I got for my birthday so I already wore it couple of times. I used 2 coats in the below photo, you can see how one coat looks at the video. This creme eyeshadow reminds me formula-wise of Ballerina Backstage Grand-plie in black, but it has longer staying power and lots of fine shimmer. I like it mainly because it deepens the color of the powder eyeshadows I use over it.
While It’s Magic is easily applied with the brush, other two seem to need little bit more heat to spread easily … I guess cold weather doesn’t agree with them.

Video of individual swatches of each nail polish half and eyeshadows:
- 2,75 EUR (3.7 USD) for 2x4ml (0,13 fl.oz.) of nail polish;
- 2,75 EUR for 5,5g (0,19 oz) of eyeshadow (expiration date 12 months after opening it).
See anything worth buying from Essence Circus Circus TE?
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Woow i love your photos! ^_^
Great swatches, I loved the nail polish in My Sparkling Acrobat and the eyeshadows as well! Which brush are you using on the video to apply them? I tend to apply my cream shadows with my fingers but it can get messy… :)
It’s one of the Abbamart Bubinga Toray Creme Eyeshadow brushes … not sure if it’s medium or large.
I pretty much always apply eyeshadows with brushes … otherwise I’m bound to wear it somewhere else that intended. :biggrin:
Gejba, kaj veš, potem tudi DM nimajo Don’t feed the tiger? Danes sem kupila ostale tri, tega pa niso imeli, pa sem mislila, da je samo razprodan. Jih rabim za swap, sicer mi k sreči niso všeč. Razen nakupa Alessandroja Precious Treasure sem zelo pridna. :wink: :yes:
Nope – v SLO tega odtenka ne bo. :sigh:
Hura za Precious Treasure. :happy:
Ful sem vesela, da obstajate :D (čeprav moja denarnica ni tako zadovoljna :P). Te dni sem našla vašo spletno stran med iskanjem po googlu in je zares super, ker vse opisujete in ocenjujete. Tako je pol lažje izbrat stvari za nakup.
Hvaaala :D bom sigurno postala vaša zvesta bralka (samo za informacijo, v Mullerju in dm-jih na obali praktično še ni Circusa, sem samo našla, in kupila, črno senčilo :( )
Brez skrbi – naše denarnice tudi niso vesele naše obsesije. :biggrin:
Hm, tudi jaz se nekako bojim te embalaže. verjetno bom kupila Essence Cotton Candy, ker imam rada rožnato, pa jo zadnje čase grdo zanemarjam :blush: Istočasno pa je embalaža kar originalna… Glede na ceno, bom pokupila vse in bo z njimi razveseljeval božiček….hm, ali pa velikonočni zajček :whistle: , ker dobim te TE res pozno! :ermm:
Koliko Circus lakcev je potalal Božiček? :silly:
ajmeeeeeee, crni i zlatni kombinacija je fenomenalna :stars:
:yes: :wub:
I really want the gold one, but they’re not sold in the UK. Boo!
They’re sold in USA but not UK. :undecided:
Wow, these shades are really nice! I’m afraid that this edition won’t never arrive here in Italy, we still have the Whoom Boom collection in my city… :(
So by your timetable, you’ll be getting Circus in spring time. :silly:
But I did hear that you got them in meanwhile, so hope you got everything you wanted.
My Sparkling Acrobat nail polish is my favourite from this collection :) i’ll definitely buy it ;)
How do you like ti? :cute:
Hvala za lepe swatche! :ahug: Dvostranskih lakov ne maram preveč. Pri Essence so ustvarili luštne kombinacije. Rdeča se mi zdi še najbolj originalna, ostale so že velikokrat videne. Senčila izgledajo mamljivo.
Mene je pri lakih še najbolj prepričala kvaliteta krem odtenkov. :biggrin: Senčila so pa zame zvezda te TE. :thumb:
Tale kolekcija me ni prepričala, bom prišparala za kakšno bolj všečno :wink:
Crystalliced? :devil:
Thanks for the review!!
The polishes are not really original to me )=
The eyeshadow it’s magi is awesome!
Original no, quality wise they’re great though.
i actually just bought the three double polishes :D
Is Don’t feed the tiger among them? :w00t:
Lakec My Sparkling Acrobat mi je prelep! Škoda da nimajo Don’t feed the tiger!
Jaz možno stiskam pesti, da pride manjkajoči lepotec v DMe.
Eyeshadows are wonderful :)
They really did a good job with those. :yes:
Crveni lakici su mi naj, i ove dve tamnije senkice, bice dobro ako kolekcija stigne do nas, bas je prava praznicna!
Sigurno će doći bar u Muller. Ispala je puno bolje nego što sam mislila. :thumb:
Joj, Gejba, tvoji swatchi me vedno prepričajo. Najprej nisem hotela nobenega, zdaj bi pa vse 3. Ampak se bom verjetno bom verjetno brzdala, če naletim na tole stojalo, in vzela le rdečega, ki mi je še najbolj všeč. :yes:
Nič kriva. :biggrin: Rdeči je res lušten. :nails:
:drool: Gorgeous!!!! I want everything!!!
Hope you get everything on your WL. :happy:
A DM-i pa nimajo Cirkus Cirkus look-a?
Ne še, jih pa dobijo. :yes:
Sem vedela, da bom spet hotela polovico stvari. :sigh:
Kakšno si je pa ja treba privoščiti. :biggrin:
I think I’ll go for the first duo polish and all the eyeshadows!
Eyeshadows simply rock. I wonder how do they far on those with “normal” eyelids.
Senčke :sigh: Spet neka stvar, ki jo bom lovila po trgovinah.
Čeeeeprav si zlate najbrž ne bi kupila.
Jaz pa že vidim vse kombinacije z zlato. :biggrin: