I needed a “pick me up” manicure couple of weeks ago. I discussed what to put on with my Facebook friends and got tons of great suggestions, but I either didn’t have that shade in my collection (see – it’s still too small ) or I wasn’t feeling the color. But I felt good chatting about it so thank you girls for all your suggestions.
In the end I went to my “untrieds” rack and picket two colors – p2 Patchouli and Ruby Kisses Baby Blue. I was in a mood for green and something sparkly over it.

I was going to show you only final result, but Vesna wished for “unspoiled” Patchouli, so this swatch is for her. :D One creme green beauty coming up.

And the combo with Ruby Kisses Baby Blue – tealish glitter in clear base. I used only one coat.

Patchouli is really lovely shade, but it managed to stain my nails.
Which version do you prefer – first or second?
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
meni je prva kombinacija bolj všeč, nekako nisem (še) v bleščičastem obdobju… je pa tale Patchouli res prekrasen, škoda da obarva nohte.
Res je čudovit zelenko. Resnično mu ne gre zameriti obarvanosti nohta!
Wow wow wow wow! :stars: Prečudovito!
Se samo podpišem. :love:
Patchouli is really beautiful!
Gorgeous. :wub:
Oooo, tale p2 je pa fantasičen! Ne vem, kako mi je ušel z radarja, prvič ga vidim! o.O Zgleda kot zelo dober dvojnik Rampage od Illamasque. Sicer pa sta mi obe manikuri fantastični. Zelene kreme tako ni nikdar dovolj, bleščice pa le še dodajo k lepoti. :) Super kombinacija!
Hvala. :rose:
Ostali v kolekciji so bili dolgočasni, tako da je ta prav sekal ven s svojo lepoto. :cute:
stvarno krasni lakići, ja bih oprostila i obojane nokte :thumb:
p.s. nedavno sam negdi pročitala da je cura očistila nokte sa sodom bikarbonom, probaj pa javi :yes:
Probala ali mi nije nekako “sjela” ta metoda. Čisti vitamin C mi je bolji … ali to očisti samo najgore. :sigh:
Both of them are great! I had a similar shade of green that I adored until it stained my nails AND my fingers :nono:
I just used foil method to avoid any further staining, but I could live without it. :sigh:
Iiiii, kaj je lep zelenko! :wub:
(hvala :))
Idealen za naju. :biggrin:
Prva in druga, obe sta prelepi. :wub: