NOTD: Icing – Peacock

While cleaning the flat and reorganizing my stash, I came across all the beautiful polishes I bought in the States. Memories memories … Because my nails were in desperate need of a new manicure I decided to paint my nails with a beautiful and interesting polish (bought in America of course). It’s called Peacock and it’s by Icing. It’s green with purple sheen. I don’t have anything like it in my stash and that already makes it special. The polish is quite sheer. After three coats it’s still not completely opaque. I was satisfied after three coats, but my nails are very short (especially after cleaning the flat the whole weekend). If you have longer nails, you’d definitely need at least four coats. In that case I suggest layering is a better idea, right?

Swatch: Icing - Peacock
Icing - Peacock (3 coats)
Swatch: Icing - Peacock
Icing - Peacock (3 coats)
Swatch: Icing - Peacock
Icing - Peacock (3 coats)
Swatch: Icing - Peacock
Icing - Peacock (3 coats)

That’s my nails of the day. Do you like the Peacock on my nails? And I’m curious … what is on your nails right now?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

25 thoughts on “NOTD: Icing – Peacock”

  1. Zelo lep :thumb:
    Na mojih nohtih je trenutno Kiko 320 in BM fail xD mi je zmanjkalo laka za štempljanje in sem naredila packarijo :blush:
    Kratki nohti ftw :thumb:

  2. Spominja me na Nubarjev Indigo Illusion, le da je lepši. Fajn barva! Na mojih nohtih pa že zelo utrujen Orly Nite Owl, moram ga zamenjat, pa se ne morem odločit s čim. :D

  3. That’s an awesome colour!
    Today I’m wearing A England Tristam layered with CND Sapphire Sparkle on top. Now it’s holographic, sparkly AND duochrome all in one… I think i just drooled a bit while looking at my nails :)

  4. On you I like it, on me I would have to layer it over opaque base. I removed my mani and am looking at untrieds to see what would I like to wear next. :cute:

  5. Je zanimiv in drugačen, vendar nekako ni moj stil. Nisem navdušena nad zeleno barvo in tudi duochrom-i mi niso všeč na meni, ampak tebi pa pristaja ker imaš manjše nohtke :yes:

  6. Ta barva mi pa nikakor ne potegne (mogoče bi me v živo bolj prepričal?).
    Na mojih nohtih trenutno OPI ‘A grape fit’.

    • I don’t have Indigo Illusion, so I can’t confirm that, but according to swatches they really do look similar. :yes:

      I just googled Layla Hologram Effect nail polishes and I’m :drool: :drop: Ocean Rush :drool: Flash Black :drool: :drop: I wish these were available here … :sigh:

    • Bom res prav pogledala, koliko sta si z Iron Maiden-om podobna … sporočim. ;)
      Jaz imam tako zmeraj precej kratke nohte, ker se tako bolje počutim in tudi ker se moji nohti zelo radi cepijo. Po tem čistilnem vikendu so pa bili v obupnem stanju (tudi obnohtna kožica) in sem jih skoraj v nulo spilila. :nails: In se odlično počutim. :yes: :biggrin:

  7. zanimiv lak z zanimivim prelivanjem… sicer pa osebno nisem tip za temne lake …
    moji imajo trenutno se prozorno podlago.. se premisljujem o naslednjem odtenku alpa konadiranju :nails:

    • Moram prav izbrskati Iron Maiden-a, da vidim, koliko sta si res podobna, ker imam občutek, da ne prav veliko … hmm … bom sporočila, kako zelo sta si podobna. :wink:

  8. love this color!
    i actually just removed my nail polish, so i have nothing on my nails. 9not something that heppens often :P)
    i’m gonna paint them again tomorrow :)


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