Snow is almost nonexistent and temperatures are just now getting to the degree where you have feeling that you’re gonna freeze to death … I was already looking forward to spring and then Goga announces that she read that we’ll be getting the “real” winter in February and March. I’m going to live in my fantasy-land where spring is just few short weeks away.
If nothing else, spring collections will keep me warm. :D Alessandro named their spring LE Track Me:
As beautiful as the spring
Nature shows the way – the designers follow suit: the initial flowery dabs of colour peek out shyly from the surface of the earth and the sun is increasingly showing its warming effect…
Okay, the colourful summer dresses will continue to hang in the cupboard for a while, and in matters of fashion and make-up, we are still a little bit restrained these days – But there is no chance that we will turn down stylish colourful accents!
There are 10 minis in Alessandro Track Me LE. Some of the colors I was surprised by: muted yellowish green, gray, denim blue, brown … Not really something I associate with spring, but they still look appealing to me. And the nude shade looks promising also.
The other five colors look more “spring like” and I love most of those too (guess which shade is not on the WL).
Which group do you like the most – no.1 or no.2?
I hope I’ll catch these in stores. I don’t remember when was the last time that I had opportunity to just browse through my favorite brands so I have no idea which limited editions are our, whats new, on sale …
*photos used in collages are courtesy of Alessandro Slovenia
Oooo, Gejba, en zelenko je duochrome!! V bistvu kar nekaj barv v živo zgleda IZJEMNO mikavnih, uf uf, ne vem, koliko jih bo štipendija zdržala. :biggrin: Aja, ta zelenko sicer v steklenički zgleda 100% dupe od Misa Phazers on Stunning. :wub:
Sem študirala, če gre mogoče za duochrome, ko sem videla tole fotko:
Krasna novica, da so res prišli ven z duocromčkom. :happy: Hvala za info. :rose:
Joj, prosim ne snega v marcu! Mislim, ne more zima tako zamujati, pač je zamudila svoj moment, naj se zdaj umakne pomladi! Danes me je tako prepihalo, da sem imela občutek kot da me je kdo skloftal. :angry: Sicer pa pozdravljam nenavadnejšo pomladno kolekcijo! Navadno so pomladne kolekcije tako podobne druga drugi, da je že kar overload. Po promo fotkah se mi zdi zelen preveč podoben ene 4im ki jih imam že doma, mi je pa oranžen sila privlačen. :wink:
Jaz pravim, ne snega PIKA. :biggrin:
No. 2. Prekrasne boje ali dok to stigne do nas… :nervous:
Neki dan sam kupila dva Alessandro laka u ovakvim bočicama i oduševljena sam, tako je lako držati čep :)
Iz ove kolekcije Gold schiffon mi je najnajljepši :)
Čep i četkica su super kod njihovih minija – vjerojatno su zato jedni od mojih najmilijih. :wub:
V tem trenutku mi je definitivno bolj pri srcu kolaž št.1.
V Nami sem opazila, da imajo za vse odtenke iz redne linije majhne testerje. :thumb:
Jope – Alessandro si definitivno zasluži pohvalo za testerje. Sploh so pa eni redkih, ki jih imajo celo za minije iz omejenih kolekcij. :bow:
Jooj, zakaj so mi vsi všeč? To ni dobro za mojo denarnico :) če že morem izbrati, izberem dvojko :))
Moja tudi že joka. :biggrin:
Zaenkrat mi je prva slikica bolj všeč, ampak se pustim presenetiti ;)
Vidim da nas je večina še kar v “zimskem” obdobju. :nails:
from the first group i do like the blue and green one, the others aren’t really my taste. (nudes are beautiful, but look horrible on my)
i do really love te second group
I firmly believe that there is nude shade out there for everybody. But you can bankrupt if you don’t have mainstream skin tone before you find the right one. :silly:
Uffff, številka 1 je prav zimska, in glede na to da se nam še nekaj časa obetajo nizke temperature je zame bolj aktualna :wink:
Jaz sem se že odločila, da vikend preživim pod koutrom. :biggrin:
Zgornji trije iz prvega kupa. :wub:
Vidim, da naju mikajo isti odtenki. :nails:
št 2. :yes:
št. 1 :thumb: