Speedy comparison of Catrice After Eight vs. Essence In Style. This seems to be quite a popular comparison as few of you asked me how similar are these two shades.
They look pretty different if you compare bottles … especially since I used flash to bring out the details.
Swatches show the real difference though – Essence In Style is more tealish shade (and tad lighter), while Catrice After Eight has more greenish shimmer.
What can I say, except that I need both. Same old story. :D
P.S. Ulmiel – I hope this is the one you were wondering about.
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
They’re both really pretty :)
Aaah, zlata si, najlepša hvala! :rose: Točno tega sem mislila, da! In zdaj imam problem. Zdita se mi namreč dovolj podobna med sabo, da ne bi imela obeh, vendar mi je bolj všeč Catrice, ki je bolj zelen, imam pa Essencovega. :biggrin: Tako da mislim, da bo tudi After Eight šel enega lepega dne z mano iz štacune. :blush:
I own the Catrice one, but hadn’t had the chance to put it on my nails yet. After having seen it on your pictures above, I’ll definitely use it next time!
Nice comparison, even though I don’t have the esence one yet.
Hmmm, meni je pa Catrice za mišjo dlako bolj všeč
Looking for Essence in this case (even I prefer Catrice, but in the photo Essence is much better :))
Thanks for the comparison!!
I prefer the essence one!
meni se sviđaju oba, ali radije bih imala catrice, ako ni zbog čega drugog a ono zbog veće bočice :nails:
Catrice mi je lepši. :wub:
Sem si mislila kupit After Eight, vendar sem ga podarila kolegici za rojstni dan, saj vem da ji je bil zelo všeč, in moram priznat da me ni prepričal. Mislim, da bom rajši kupila In Style-a XD LP :D